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第一週■週三 晨興餧養 來二11『因那聖別人的,和那些被聖別的,都是出於一;因這緣故,祂稱他們爲弟兄,並不以爲恥…。』 帖前五23『且願和平的神,親自全然聖別你們,又願你們的靈、與魂、與身子得蒙保守,在我們主耶穌基督來臨的時候,得以完全,無可指摘。』 神聖的聖別是完成神聖經綸的主持線。…神的經綸乃是祂心頭願望的目的,神把這個目的作成一個定旨。這定旨成了神的經綸,且一直是神的經綸。聖別是神經綸裏的一大要點。…我們需要看見『主持線』這辭的意義。當一個人去釣魚時,他需要一條線。…那條線把魚拉住;換句話說,那條線主導着他的釣魚。我們說聖別是主持線,因爲神在我們身上經綸的工作,每一步都是使我們聖別。(李常受文集一九九三年第二册,二九一頁。) 信息選讀 神創造了宇宙。這宇宙沒有任何一部分是聖別的。然後神創造人。甚至人在墮落之前,也不是聖別的。在全宇宙中,只有一位是聖別的,那就是神自己。不管一個人多完全、多良善,都不會使他成爲聖別。…因此,如果你是聖別的,你就必定有聖別的素質,而在全宇宙中,聖別的素質就是神自己。 新耶路撒冷稱爲聖城。(啓二一2。)…新耶路撒冷是建造在金子上的。…金子象徵神的神聖性情。在全宇宙中,只有神在性質上是聖的。…當我們說到在新約裏聖別的最高意義時,我們是說到一些不只屬於神,更是神自己的東西。以弗所一章四至五節說到成爲聖別,好得着兒子的名分。我們蒙揀選成爲聖別,使我們能彀成爲神的眾子。我們旣是神的眾子,由神所生,我們就不僅是屬於神的。我們是神的眾子,有神的素質、神的生命和性情。 那靈聖別人的工作首先使我們悔改,一直繼續直到我們得榮耀。在我們悔改和我們得榮耀之間,有重生、更新、變化、模成、以及我們的身體改變形狀,就是我們的全人得榮耀。這是神聖聖別的路線,爲要使我們聖別,所以這條線主持神聖經綸的完成。 今天我們都被神聖聖別的線『鈎』住了。我們原在人類的『大海』中,但這條線臨到我們,我們就被鈎住了。我們被鈎住,這要完成於我們改變形狀時。…我們許多人在學校裏讀書時,有人來向我們說到基督的事。這個人的談話裏隱藏了一個『鈎子』,鈎子就把我們鈎住了。我們被折服,就悔改並相信。然後我們得着重生,使我們繼續在神聖聖別的主持線上。…神聖的聖別主持着我們從悔改到得榮耀一切屬靈的經歷;經過我們的重生、更新、變化和模成,達到我們身體的得贖。(弗一14,四30。)『達到』的意思就是『結果產生』。我們身體的得贖,乃是神聖聖別的完成。 這樣的聖別就是神聖的子化我們,使我們成爲神的眾子,好叫我們在神的生命和性情上(但不是在祂的神格上)與祂一樣,以致我們能成爲神的彰顯。因此,聖別乃是神聖的子化。…我們藉着重生就得着神聖的子化。我們沒有神的神格,也不能有神的神格,但我們的確有神的生命和性情,使我們能成爲神的彰顯。…至終,我們…的身體,就要完全改變形狀,得着榮耀。(李常受文集一九九三年第二册,二九一至二九五頁。) 參讀:那靈同我們的靈,第十一至十四章。 WEEK 1 — DAY 3 Morning Nourishment Heb. 2:11 For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of One, for which cause He is not ashamed to call them brothers. 1 Thes. 5:23 And the God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The divine sanctification is the holding line in the carrying out of the divine economy...God’s economy is the intention of His heart’s desire, and God made this intention a purpose. This purpose became and still is God’s economy. Sanctification is a great point in God’s economy...We need to see what the term holding line means. When a person goes fishing, he needs a line...The line holds his fish. In other words, the line directs his fishing. We say that sanctification is the holding line because every step of God’s economy in His work with us is to make us holy. (CWWL, 1993, vol. 2, “The Spirit with Our Spirit,” p. 219) Today’s Reading God created the universe. Not one part of it was holy. Then God created man. Even before man’s fall, he was not holy. In the whole universe, only One is holy, that is, God Himself. Regardless of how perfect and good someone is, this does not make him holy...If you are holy, you must have the holy essence, and the holy essence in the whole universe is God Himself. The New Jerusalem is called the holy city (Rev. 21:2)...The New Jerusalem is built on gold...Gold signifies God in His divine nature. In the whole universe, only God is holy in nature. When we are speaking of sanctification in its highest sense in the New Testament, we are speaking about something not merely belonging to God but something that is God. Ephesians 1:4 and 5 speak of being holy unto sonship. We were chosen to be holy so that we can become God’s sons. Since we are God’s sons, born of God, we do not just belong to God. We are sons of God who have God’s essence, God’s life and nature. The sanctifying work of the Spirit first issues in our repentance and continues all the way to our glorification. In between our repentance and our glorification are regeneration, renewing, transformation, conformation, and the transfiguration of our body, which is the glorification of our entire being. This is the line of the divine sanctification to make us holy, so this line holds the carrying out of God’s economy. Today we all have been “hooked” by the line of the divine sanctification. We were in the “ocean” of humanity, but this line reached us, and we have been hooked. Our being hooked will be consummated when we are transfigured...A number of us were studying in school when someone came and spoke something about Christ to us. There was a “hook” hidden in this one’s speaking, and a hook got into us. We were convicted, and we repented and believed. Then we were regenerated in order for us to continue on the holding line of the divine sanctification. The divine sanctification holds all our spiritual experiences from our repentance to our glorification. It goes through our regeneration, renewing, transformation, and conformation unto the redemption of our body (Eph. 1:14; 4:30). Unto means “resulting in.” The redemption of our body is the consummation of the divine sanctification. Such a sanctification is to “sonize” us divinely, making us sons of God in order that we may become the same as God in His life and in His nature (but not in His Godhead) so that we can be God’s expression. Hence, sanctification is the divine sonizing...We have been sonized by regeneration divinely. We do not have and we cannot have God’s Godhead, but we do have God’s life and nature so that we may be God’s expression...After being regenerated we need to grow to reach maturity...when our soul is fully sonized. Eventually, our body...will be transfigured, glorified in full. (CWWL, 1993, vol. 2, “The Spirit with Our Spirit,” pp. 219-222) Further Reading: CWWL, 1993, vol. 2, “The Spirit with Our Spirit,” chs. 11-14 |
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