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神的名,新耶路撒冷的名,並主的新名,寫在得勝者上面,指明得勝者爲神、新耶路撒冷和主所得着;神自己、神的城新耶路撒冷和主自己,也全屬於得勝者;並且他與神、與新耶路撒冷、與主也是一。神的名意卽神自己,新耶路撒冷的名意卽城本身,主的名意卽主自己。將神的名,新耶路撒冷的名,並主的名,寫在得勝者上面,指明神的所是,新耶路撒冷的性質並主的人位,全都作到得勝者裏面。…千年國的新耶路撒冷是單給得勝聖徒的獎賞。(聖經恢復本,啓三12 註3。)



新耶路撒冷表徵神在新天新地的居所。在新約裏,神在地上的居所首先是單個的人—耶穌基督,由帳幕所表徵,(約一14,)然後是團體的人—召會,由殿所表徵。(林前三16。)在新天新地,神的居所成爲羔羊的妻,(啓二一9 ~ 10,)也是蒙神救贖之人活的組合,由十二支派所代表的舊約聖徒,以及十二使徒所代表的新約聖徒,共同組成的。(12,14。)


在聖城裏,神的性情或神的素質成了我們的基本元素,由金所表徵;(啓二一18 下,21 下;)城是金的,街道也是金的。所有信徒的素質就是神自己。



WEEK 12 — DAY 6


Morning Nourishment

Rev. 3:12 He who overcomes, him I will make a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall by no means go out anymore, and I will write upon him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem,…and My new name.

Rom. 12:2 And do not be fashioned according to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind that you may prove what the will of God is… That the name of God, the name of the New Jerusalem, and the Lord’s new name are written upon the overcomer indicates that the overcomer is possessed by God, by the New Jerusalem, and by the Lord; that God Himself, His city (the New Jerusalem), and the Lord Himself all belong to him; and that he is one with God, with the New Jerusalem, and with the Lord. The name of God denotes God Himself, the name of the New Jerusalem denotes the city itself, and the name of the Lord denotes the Lord Himself. That the name of God, the name of the New Jerusalem, and the name of the Lord are written upon the overcomer indicates that what God is, the nature of the New Jerusalem, and the person of the Lord have all been wrought into the overcomer…The New Jerusalem in the millennial kingdom will be a prize only to the overcoming saints. (Rev. 3:12, footnote 3)

Todays Reading

What God cares about is a living composition of His chosen, redeemed, regenerated, transformed, and glorified people. All these will be built together to express God for eternity. This will satisfy God forever. Satan will be in the lake of fire. God will be in His living dwelling place. All those He created, chose, redeemed, regenerated, and transformed will be glorified into His image. He will be living in them, and they will be living in Him. No one can adequately explain such a profound concept. Marvelous! This will be God’s dwelling and the wife of His dear Son, Christ. No physical building can be a wife. A wife is something organic—a living person.

The New Jerusalem signifies God’s dwelling in the new heaven and new earth. In the New Testament God’s dwelling place on earth was first an individual man, Jesus Christ, signified by the tabernacle (John 1:14), and then a corporate man, the church, signified by the temple (1 Cor. 3:16). In the new heaven and new earth, God’s dwelling, as the wife of the Lamb (Rev. 21:9-10), is also a living composition of His redeemed people, composed of both the Old Testament saints, represented by the twelve tribes, and the New Testament saints, represented by the twelve apostles (vv. 12, 14).

These people, built together to be God’s dwelling, first experienced regeneration through Christ’s death and resurrection. This is signified by the pearl gates, their entrance into the city. A pearl is produced by an oyster, a living creature in the death waters. When a grain of sand wounds the oyster, it secretes a substance around the sand, which makes the sand become a pearl. The wound of the oyster signifies death, and the secretion of life juice around the grain of sand signifies the resurrection life. Jesus’ death and resurrection make us pearls through regeneration. No one can enter into the kingdom of God except by regeneration (John 3:5).

In the holy city God’s nature, or God’s essence, becomes our basic element, signified by gold (Rev. 21:18b, 21b); the city proper is gold, and the street is gold. The essence of all believers is just God Himself.

By the Spirit’s work we will be transformed into the image of God, signified by jasper. The Father’s nature (gold), the Son’s redemption and our regeneration (pearl), and the Spirit’s transforming work (precious stones) produce all the components that comprise this eternal dwelling of God. God’s dwelling is also our dwelling. We will also be built together to be God’s Holy of Holies, expressing Him in glory. (CWWL, 1983, vol. 3, “The Basic Revelation in the Holy Scriptures,” pp. 482-483)

Further Reading: Truth Lessons—Level Four, vol. 1, lsn. 20; CWWL, 1994- 1997, vol. 2, pp. 3-7

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