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IE 9 ...
2010/03/25 11:33:24瀏覽712|回應0|推薦0

剛接到Microsoft TechNet的資訊,看來IE8 的小Bug 另微軟已經不想再去修補了!乾脆來個「改版」準備了! IE 9 TechNet 提供PlateForm PreView version 了! 看來我常開玩笑說的:微軟的產品有三多:1.修補多(因為蟲蟲危機吧!)2.精靈多。一堆有的沒有的精靈,好像很方便,但對程式人員、系統人員來說,是讓腦袋放空,不需要思考,所以搞到最後,在Hacker,Cracker的攻擊下,舉白旗投降了!3.改版多!微軟產品的軟體生命週期約三到四年,就『改版了』!唉!看來只有這樣才能讓「比爾」的財富多多吧!然後咱們呢?「燒錢」燒得很努力!

微軟對於IE9 的資料如下:請參閱!

Opening webpages

  • Select Open from the Page menu or type Ctrl+O
  • The Open Web Page dialog box will always show the URL of the current page
  • Enter the Internet address (URL) of the Web page to which you wish to navigate
  • Alternatively, you may type the path of or browse for a file on your local computer
  • Click OK
  • You can press F5 to refresh the currently open page
  • If the file or Web page is not found, you’ll see only a blank page

Using and setting the home page

The default home page of the Platform Preview is the Internet Explorer 9 Test Drive site, which you can use to see demos for and information about the new Internet Explorer 9 platform. You can press F10 at any time to go to your home page.

To change your homepage, right click the Internet Explorer Platform Preview icon in the Start menu and choose Properties. In the Target field on the Shortcut tab add your home page URL to the end of the path. For example:

"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer Platform Preview\iepreview.exe" http://www.bing.com

For 64-bit systems, this will appear as:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer Platform Preview\iepreview.exe" http://www.bing.com

You can also do this for the shortcut on the desktop. For information on how to create additional shortcuts, see the Create Shortcuts to Common Pages section.

Developer and Debugging Tools

Developer Tools

The Platform Preview includes built-in Developer Tools. These tools help developers debug and understand the interaction between their sites and the browser. To open the Developer Tools, click the Debug menu and click Developer Tools, or press F12.

The status bar indicates when the page generates script errors. You can use the Developer Tools to get more information about and debug script errors.

For more information on the Developer Tools, go to the Internet Explorer Developer Center.

Document modes

You can force the Platform Preview into different document modes. To do this, click the Debug menu and select one of the Document Modes. You can also press Alt plus the numbers 5, 7, 8, or 9 to select IE5, IE7, IE8, and IE9 document modes respectively (for example, Alt + 7 for IE7). You can press Alt + 0 at any time to reset the document mode to the page default. The current document mode is shown for the currently viewed page at the left of the status bar. Information on Document Modes is available on MSDN, as well as on our blog.

Common Keyboard Shortcuts

Below is a list of available keyboard shortcuts for use in the Internet Explorer Platform Preview:

  • Ctrl + O: Open a webpage
  • F5: Refresh
  • F10: Home
  • F12: Developer Toolbar
  • Alt + 5: Force IE5 rendering mode
  • Alt + 7: Force IE7 rendering mode
  • Alt + 8: Force IE8 rendering mode
  • Alt + 9: Force IE9 rendering mode
  • Alt + 0: Reset Document Mode to the page default
  • Ctrl +/-: zoom in and out
  • Alt + ?: Help
  • Ctrl + S: Save Webpage As…
  • Alt + /: About

Other Tips & Tricks

The following power user tips and tricks can simplify doing commonly used tasks.

Create Shortcuts to Common Pages

To simplify navigating quickly to pages you commonly use you can create shortcuts. To do so, copy the Internet Explorer Platform Preview icon on your desktop and paste it to your desired location. Right click the newly created shortcut and click the Properties menu item. Update the Target field on the Shortcut tab to start the Platform Preview with the URL of your choice, as follows:

"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer Platform Preview\iepreview.exe" http://www.bing.com

The Platform Preview is a 32-bit application. As a result, it is installed in a different location on 64-bit systems. When updating the Target field for 64-bit systems, it should appear as:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer Platform Preview\iepreview.exe" http://www.bing.com

You may also do this for the shortcut on the desktop.

Monitoring Resource Usage

The Internet Explorer 9 platform takes advantage of your PC hardware to provide a great experience. To see how the Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview and other browsers utilize your PC we recommend downloading CPU, GPU, Memory and Disk utilities such as the Taskbar Meters . GPU meters are often graphics card specific, so you may need to contact your graphics card manufacturer.

Feedback & Support

Submitting Feedback

We encourage you to report any issues you find using the Platform Preview. Click Report Issue on the menu and select Report an Issue. You’ll be sent to our feedback site, where you can provider feedback and find additional support. When reporting an issue, you’ll be asked to run the IE Diagnostics and include the results in your report. You’ll find a list of known issues in the release notes.

IE Diagnostics

IE Diagnostics, a program to help us troubleshoot issues has been included with the Internet Explorer Platform Preview. This program allows you to view information about your installation as well as collect relevant information for troubleshooting or repro'ing issues. To run IE Diagnostics, click Report Issue and then select Run IE Diagnostics. From this tool, you can save or view saved reports. Saved reports can be submitted when reporting issues.

General Help

Additional online support resources are available by clicking the Help menu and selecting Using Internet Explorer Platform Preview to go to additional online support resources. The About option on the Help menu provides more information about your Internet Explorer Platform Preview installation, and a link to our Privacy Statement.


Download the Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview

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