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| 詳細資料ISBN:9578468865 叢書系列:天才1班 規格:平裝 / 468頁 / 12K菊 / 19 X 21 CM / 普通級/ 單色印刷 / 初版 出版地:台灣 內容簡介 歡迎來到《C++天才班》的世界。本書不同於其他C++程式設計書籍,它不只告訴你「怎麼做」,同時也清楚地向你解釋「為什麼」。C++語言的功能變化繁多,就像是一張拼圖, 瞭解每個獨立圖塊的象徵意義固然重要,但唯有確實明白圖塊間的搭配與運作方式,你才有辦法正確地拼湊出完整的圖。讀完本書之後,你將能成功地撰寫出合宜的C++程式,還能完全掌握程式為什麼會這樣動,讓你成為能夠有獨立撰寫創作新程式的設計師! | 詳細商品說明 | Google搜尋參考資料: 1. C++ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia C++ (pronounced see plus plus) is a programming language that is general purpose, statically typed, free-form, multi-paradigm and compiled. It is regarded as ...
2. C++ Language - C++ Tutorials - Cplusplus.com Complete tutorial from cplusplus.com that covers from basics up to object oriented programming.
3. The C++ Resources Network: cplusplus.com Includes references, tutorials, and a forum section where users can share their problems and ideas.
4. C/C++ Reference Contributors wanted. Do you want to make C++ easy to learn? Head to our C++ tutorials section and write a short tutorial about C++ feature you love most.
5. Standard C++ The home of Standard C++ on the web — news, status and discussion about the C++ standard on all compilers and platforms.