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2012/12/08 13:13:10瀏覽1844|回應0|推薦0 | |
影音欣賞連結 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEkdr62eVMY 《我驚嘆我漫步》(I Wonder As I Wander) 我漫步,我驚嘆,卻心中難明; 主耶穌,主基督,竟降生受死; 可憐你,可憐我,還愚蠢固執; 我漫步,我驚嘆,神大愛難懂。 主耶穌,馬利亞,分娩馬槽邊; 大博士,牧羊人,齊來敬拜; 全神神,從高天,叫星光閃現; 經千年,過萬代,應許今成真。 I wonder as I wander, out under the sky
How Jesus the savior, did come to die To save lowly people like you and like I I wonder as I wander, out under the sky Sweet Mary laid Jesus, within a cow's stall Came wise men and farmers and shepherds and all The blessings of Christmas heaven did fall And God's promise of ages, to them did recall If Jesus had wanted for any small thing A cloud in the sky or a bird on the wing Or all of God's angels in heaven to sing He surely could have had it, because He was the King Because He was King! 這是一首有些靈歌曲風的聖誕歌曲,講到聖誕故事的奧秘,以及上帝奇的作為。邀請你與我一起來反復思想這聖誕奇蹟。 |
( 休閒生活|音樂 ) |