我覺得好空虛歐~ 到香港看一趟展覽走了四天, 唯一的收穫就是我的手腳都快斷了, 自己發現PM這個角色我真的做得好差, 和美國PM說英文時發現自己實在退步太多, 聽力大約衰退6成, 找產品沒帶回任何資料, 只能等美國PM後續通知需要處理和追蹤的部分.........我想我應該被稱為Assistance of PM~
As to my English ability, the problem is not started from just one or two day. I really don't understand why I can't improve it. I should have time to pick up my book at home everyday. I give myself too much excuses and become too lazy. What I can say........I dislike myself day by day. I decide to give myself half year and then decide I should quit or stay depend on my performance.