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2014.11.24. Weekly Gathering
2014/11/24 17:34:54瀏覽162|回應1|推薦0

''Are you interested in art?'', Jason asked members when he hosted

his article in class today. Jenny Chou showed her skill by drawing some patterns

on blackboard. You can guess what they mean by seeing her drawing.


Jenny Chou talked about movie star, male actor, Matthew Mcconaughey.

She describes the great actor is with following characters:

Handsome, Smile charming, No negative news, Low key, Real man, Mature,

Humorous, Confident, Smart and humble, Talented, Aggressive, Look a little bad,

Innocent, Well-shaped, Affectionate ....


Alfonso explained the history of jukebox. Sherry introduced many kinds of perfume

sample to us. Now we can make difference among fragrance, perfume and scent.




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2014/11/28 05:09
I have beening admiring the actor-劉德華. He is perfect! Not only on his appearance, but also his gentle, humble and aggressive personality.