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The 2014 Winter Paralympics (Sorted from Internet report)
2014/03/08 06:39:02瀏覽97|回應0|推薦0

Paralympic Symbol
IPC logo (2004).svg

The Agitos - from the Latin “agito”, “I move” - consists of three hemispheres of red, blue and green colours arranged around a central point. The symbol reflects the role of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) in bringing together Paralympic athletes whose achievements inspire and delight the world. The colours of the agitos, with the white background, stand for the three colors that feature the Mind, Body and Spirit.

Over the next nine days, 547 athletes from 45 countries will compete at the first Paralympic Winter Games ever held in Russia.

The Paralympic Games are the pinnacle of the career of Paralympic athletes and motivate others to participate or engage in Paralympic events. The Paralympics take place every two years alternating between summer and winter Games.
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