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【Love Idioms】
2014/02/15 11:28:35瀏覽187|回應1|推薦0
【Love Idioms】

love makes the world go round 愛讓世界運轉
Love makes the world go round. Life is beautiful when you love and feel loved.

heart skips a beat 砰然心動⋯⋯
Tim's heart skips a beat every time he sees his beautiful colleague.

love at first sight 一見鍾情
It was love at first sight when John and Peggy first met on the subway.

no love lost 沒有好感
Andrew and Peter have never liked each other. There was no love lost
when they recently quarreled.

heart of gold 心地善良
Everyone loves my grandpa because he has a heart of gold.

head over heels in love 陷入愛河
When Harry met Sally, he fell head over heels in love with her.

puppy love 純純的愛
Most people do not take junior high school relationships seriously.
Adults think it is just puppy love.

love-hate relationship 愛恨交織;又愛又恨的關係
Sarah has a love-hate relationship with her laptop. She needs to use it,
but often has trouble with it.

heart is in the right place 是好人
Although Tom is a mischevious boy, his mother knows his heart is in the right place.

half-hearted 心不在焉;半調子
Everyone knows Jane is going to leave her job anytime now.
Her work has been half-hearted for a long time.

win someone's heart 贏得芳心
Ted won Lisa's heart when he gave up his job opportunity to live in the same town as her.

heart stood still 嚇了一跳
When I saw a snake on the hiking trail, my heart stood still.

change of heart 改變心意
Sue and Bill were planning to get married. Then Sue went to the US for a year, and had a change of heart.
from the bottom of one's heart 發自內心;打從心底

take heart 鼓起勇氣
When things get difficult, take heart and face your fears.







( 知識學習語言 )
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2014/02/16 04:46

love up 癡迷熱戀

She's so loved up at the moment. She even forgets to eat lunch.

pour  out one's heart 傾訴衷腸

The young boy pours out his heart in a letter to his loved one.

tomwei(wei0714tom0525) 於 2014-03-14 16:27 回覆:

Jenny Chou,

Thanks for your adding words.