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Pictures taken by Jenny Chou on tour guide acticity Jan16 conducted by Ming
2014/01/17 06:16:49瀏覽151|回應2|推薦0

Pictures taken by Jenny Chou on tour guide acticity Jan16 conducted by Ming

At Geothermal Valley


In Beitou Park


In Beitou Hot Spring Museum


Something about Beitou history - the oldest town in Taipei city. 


Hokutolite is the treasure of Hot Spring Museum. Hokuto in Japanese language means Beitou.


The Roman-style bathing pool.


See the beauty of Hot Spring Museum.



The first "longtang" or waterfall in Beitou stream.


Walking on the winding path in the park, you can explore and discover at every corner.


Something about Beitou history - the oldest town in Taipei city.


This spot is the entrance of Beitou park. And this is the good place to launch the tour, as the development of Xiebeitou started here.

( 休閒生活其他 )
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2014/01/17 20:02

Yes, Mi ng is great. After her tour guide activity , we had a cup of coffee with Soso at starbucks. Soso treated us. Thanks her.

Jenny Chou

tomwei(wei0714tom0525) 於 2014-03-14 16:31 回覆:

Good job!