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Exactly How a Pro Ballerina Does Her Stage Makeup For The Nutcracker
2017/12/18 19:38:01瀏覽19|回應0|推薦0

Ballerinas really do it all. They're artists. They're athletes. But did you also know they double as makeup artists? Thanks to years of recitals and shows, professional dancers are absolute experts when it comes to doing a full, glam stage face. While there are in-house makeup artists at ballet companies, the hectic backstage environment, multiple performances, and sheer number of company members make it impossible for everyone to get their makeup done. Often, beauty tips get passed down from more seasoned dancers to ones just starting their careers in the corps.

Lauren Lovette, principal dancer at the New York City Ballet since 2015, says she learned both from dancers before her and NYCB's makeup artist, Karla Elie. "We have the option to get our makeup done, but I like doing it myself, even for big roles," she told POPSUGAR. "I love to take my time. There's something that prepares me for the show when I'm doing it myself. I just get in a good rhythm. It's very meditative."

Lauren has a starring role as the Sugarplum Fairy in festive favourite The Nutcracker. She's a beloved character, and her look is pretty, pink, and glamorous — everything you imagine a prima ballerina to look like. "Sugarplum Fairy [is] all goodness, and kindness, and sweetness, so you reflect that all in the makeup," Lauren said.

We met Lauren ahead of the season's premiere to have her show us the tricks of the trade. Learn how she gets her stage beauty look step by step, ahead.Read more at:plus size wedding dresses | cheap wedding dresses

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