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跨越死亡幽谷---WW2 / 七七抗戰紀念文系列35
2012/08/08 13:05:39瀏覽86|回應0|推薦7


跨越死亡幽谷---WW2 / 七七抗戰紀念文系列35






WW2  Database  網站有專文特別介紹這位戰士

Private First Class Paul E. "Pop" Ison (1916-2001)

WW2  太平洋戰場  琉球戰役  

Paul E. "Pop" Ison 是US.陸戰第1師 5團 3營 L連  火焰放射器操作手兼爆破手

1945年 0607日    他在這塊日寇密集火力下毫無掩蔽的崎嶇暴露地面

---被稱為"Death Valley "長達70碼 / 68.5米的地方

居然來回 3 趟  毫髮無傷

如果說憑險據守日寇的火力不準確或者不夠猛烈    才會讓 Ison 來去自如

那是鬼扯   日本鬼子絕對不會手下留情

根據資料顯示   US.陸戰隊員光是在當天的 8 個小時當中  

在此地傷亡人數高達 125 員

對比之下     Ison  這人   算是福大命大唄

WW2初起   這位有 4 個孩子的爸爸   原本可以耍賴不當兵


好加在   他沒死  而且 活到了21世紀  

可是   又有多少年輕生命捐軀異域

戰爭ㄚ   古來爭戰幾人歸    猶是春閨夢裡人哪

***原文 :

  • Private First Class Paul E. "Pop" Ison (1916-2001) of the 5th Regiment, 1st Marine Division runs across a draw nicknamed "Death Valley." Ison, a flamethrower and demolitions expert, was sent across 75 yards (68.5 meters) of exposed ground to L Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines. Expecting to be given explosives for his mission, Captain Robert Smith told him that he was expected to bring it with him. He returned to his unit and obtained the explosives and returned to L Company, his third trip under fire. Marines sustained more than 125 casualties in eight hours crossing this area. The enemy positions to the immediate front of 5th Marines were organized around an area of rough ground known later as Awacha Pocket, northeast of Dakeshi and south of the town of Awacha. Here again the close teamwork of tanks and infantry, supported by heavy weapons, provided the only means of advance. Encircling this pocket required a week and was not finally accomplished until May 11. By that time the Marines had uncovered even more formidable positions to the south at Dakeshi Ridge and Wana. Ison, a father of four, could have deferred the draft but volunteered for the Marines.

另外一張   相類似的照片   在硫磺島



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