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2009/08/14 11:58:12瀏覽734|回應0|推薦0

When the Sun died Out of the Sky, the Shadow fell On the Surface of our mother land in blind.

The glorious Summer ended Out of the blue Somehow, while the Spooky winter Occurred Suddenly with no reason why.

Birds Sang no more and everything not Of the Same, for the titanic Storm has taken Out the Smile from the innecent child.

This isn't the imaginative Screenplay Of Shakespeare, but a real Scene that Odyssey has Suffered through.

After the horrible Sound Of Screams came out far and near, the Still Of Silence conquered everything though.  

Oh Some lost their homes Oh Some lost their love ones, and Several even lost their Opportunities to Survive. 

There are more waiting to be Seeked Or Saved, thus Stones and muds all Over the places need to be Swept away for God's Sake.

Not a single one is Supposed to be put On the Sacrificial alter, for they are all our Sisiters and brothers Of the Same blood. 

Therefore Surrender isn't an Option to Speak up, Safe and Sound is the Only choice to Stand for. 

The mercy Lord is about to Save Our Souls, and tears and Scares Off guard will Soon go away as everyone prays for.  

I belive the Sympathy for our young and Old will turn out to be a Symphony of joyfulness after all.

'Cause Taiwanese people are Strong enough to Open Seasame as long as we stick together hand in hand every woman and every man.

PS:You could be part of our fate: http://blog.sina.com.tw/88floods/

( 時事評論雜論 )
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