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2009/01/27 22:34:02瀏覽278|回應0|推薦0

Today, my aunt and my cousines visited my grandmother. 

My grandma prepared a great feast for dinner, fried pork, boiled vegetables, and chiken soup, just to name a few.

How yummy!

Well, in terms of social skills, I am out of the door.

In addition to my cousines older than me, I was watching TV quietly after everyone enjoyed the dinner.

Nvertheless, my little sister was chatting with my cousine like a bird chirping.

It was odd, I thought.

When I was at my young age,  there was no gap between my cousines and me.

We could play games and talk all day long.

As time fies, we become talking fewer gradually.

Is it growing up that we become strangers?

Well, actually I don't know. 

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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