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清海無上師 P11 Words from a Child These are the examples of what should be The life of our friends, sweet animals. Be it on land, on air or in the sea. They should be loved, protected and cherished, Just like the life that we so wish. Dearest Heaven, Dear Lord of Karma Please do love and care for all creatures For it breaks my heart to see their plight. I cannot bear to see them suffer. There’re plenty places in Heaven above Take them all up, and give them love. This’s my little prayer for all beings: Just your little Love and Compassion. May all be well, live and let live. All Love, all care and all forgive. ~ Supreme Master Ching Hai 一個孩子的心聲 我們可愛的動物朋友們 無論是身在陸地上、天空中或海洋裡 他們的生活應該像這樣 他們應該被疼愛、被保護、被珍惜 過著一如我們人類所嚮往的生活 最親愛的上天、親愛的因果教主 請疼愛並關切所有生命 目睹他們的處境,我會心碎 眼見他們受苦,我難以忍受 天堂上面有很多住所 請把他們全部帶上去,並且賜予他們愛 這是我為所有眾生做的小小祈禱︰ 只要您的一點愛心與慈悲 願眾生都將幸福,和平共存 願眾生得享聖愛、關懷與寬恕 ~清海無上師 The Story of the Human Saint We Adopted Collectively written by Ten Lucky Canines Benny, Lucky, Happy, Hermit, Goody, Boyo, Lady, Pomas, Zolo, and Hally ~ Compiled by Book Group Our beloved human, or simply, our Mom, is also known by countless people in the world as Supreme Master Ching Hai. As a young child, She already showed signs that She was destined to become a Saint through Her natural great love for all beings, including us animals. Since becoming an enlightened Master, She has devoted Herself to the teaching of the Quan Yin Method (an ancient meditation practice focusing on the inner Sound and Light) and the promotion of vegetarianism. She once said that if only one half of the world’s people became vegetarians, we would have peace on Earth. The killing of animals for food has culminated in a violent atmosphere, which in turn sprouts violence, wars and misery among humans. Therefore, the lives of us animals and those of humanity cannot be separated. To those who follow our human Saint, She might be a Master or a great teacher, but to us animals, She is just our loving Mom. She does all things a Mom does, like bathing us, cooking for us, singing to us, taking us for walks, and playing with us. We hope we can share Her love with all our animal friends in the world, and that the day will come when each and every one can live a life with an abundance of food, warm shelter, and love, the way we do. With much love To Humans and all. 我們「收養」了一位聖人 十位幸運狗狗合撰(Benny、Lucky、Happy、Hermit、Goody、Boyo、 Lady、Pomas、Zolo、Hally) ~經書組彙編 我們最愛的「人」,或簡單的說,我們的「媽咪」,被成千上萬的世 人稱為「清海無上師」。從孩童時代開始,她就對所有的眾生,包括 對我們這些動物,自然流露出偉大的愛心,由這些跡象就看得出她將 來一定會成為一個聖人。 自從成為一位大開悟的明師以來,她一直全心奉獻於傳授「觀音法 門」(一種專注於內在光與音流的打坐法門),並且大力推展素食。 她曾經說過,世上只要有一半的人口吃素,整個世界就會和平。因為 殺害動物食用,會使世界產生暴力的氣氛,然後從這個氣氛,又會導 致人類間的暴力、戰爭與痛苦,所以說,我們動物的生命跟人類的生 命一向都是息息相關的。 對於跟隨這位在世聖哲的人們來說,她是一位「師父」,或是「靈性 大導師」;不過對我們動物來說,她只是我們最親愛的媽咪。凡是媽 咪做的事,她都做:她幫我們洗澡、煮飯給我們吃、唱歌給我們聽、 帶我們去散步、陪我們玩耍。我們希望能和世上所有的動物朋友們分 享她的愛,也希望有一天,所有的動物們都能生活得像我們一樣,有 豐富的食物,有溫暖的住處,並備受疼愛。 滿滿的愛 獻給人類和所有眾生 Biography of The Supreme Master Ching Hai The Supreme Master Ching Hai was born in Central Au Lac ( Vietnam ). At the age of eighteen, Master Ching Hai moved to England to study, and then later to France and then Germany, where She worked for the Red Cross and married a German physician. After two years of happy marriage, with Her husband’s blessings, She left Her marriage in pursuit of enlightenment, thus fulfilling an ideal that had been with Her since Her childhood. This began a time of arduous pilgrimages to many different countries that ended only when She met a perfect living Master in the Himalayas . Master Ching Hai received the divine transmission of the inner Light and Sound, which She later called the Quan Yin Method. After a period of diligent practice, She attained Perfect Enlightenment. To satisfy the longing of sincere Truth seekers, the Supreme Master Ching Hai offers the Quan Yin Method of meditation to people of all nationalities, religions and cultural backgrounds. Her message of love and peace brings spiritual liberation and hope to people throughout the world, reminding all to uphold Truth, Virtue, and Beauty in life. 清海無上師簡傳 清海無上師出生於悠樂(越南)中部,十八歲時赴英國留學,後赴 法國和德國,並在德國紅十字會擔任翻譯,後來與一位德國醫生結 婚。在兩年的美滿婚姻之後,她帶著先生的祝福,去實現從小的理 想,展開追尋靈性開悟之旅。歷經各國的艱辛朝聖之後,她終於與 一位在世明師在喜馬拉雅山神聖際會,並得到這位大師傳法印心, 經由深沈靜坐,她重新發現永恆的自性。在精進修行後,她達到了 完全開悟的境界。 因應求道者的誠心請求,清海無上師慈悲地教導來自不同國家、宗 教及文化背景的修行者,傳授打坐的方法─「觀音法門」。「觀 音」是指觀內在的音流,亦即我們的「真我」。她充滿愛心與智慧 的開示,帶給全人類希望,啟發大家生活在真善美的世界裡。 1 Benny 2 Lucky 3 Happy 01 95 181 清海無上師身為一位藝術創作者及靈性導師,喜愛一切能傳達內在靈性之美的表達方式,所以她用「悠樂」來稱呼越南, 用「福爾摩沙」來稱呼台灣。「悠樂」是越南的古稱,代表「悠居樂業」,很快樂的意思;而「福爾摩沙」(意指美好)更 能完全反映出這個寶島及其人民之美。師父覺得用這樣的名字可以帶給當地及其居民更多靈性的提昇及福報。 1 Benny 2 Lucky 3 Happy 01 95 181 清海無上師身為一位藝術創作者及靈性導師,喜愛一切能傳達內在靈性之美的表達方式,所以她用「悠樂」來稱呼越南, 用「福爾摩沙」來稱呼台灣。「悠樂」是越南的古稱,代表「悠居樂業」,很快樂的意思;而「福爾摩沙」(意指美好)更 能完全反映出這個寶島及其人民之美。師父覺得用這樣的名字可以帶給當地及其居民更多靈性的提昇及福報。 1 Benny 01 2 Lucky 95 3 Happy 181 清海無上師身為一位藝術創作者及靈性導師,喜愛一切能傳達內在靈性之美的表達方式,所以她用「悠樂」來稱呼越南, 用「福爾摩沙」來稱呼台灣。「悠樂」是越南的古稱,代表「悠居樂業」,很快樂的意思;而「福爾摩沙」(意指美好)更 能完全反映出這個寶島及其人民之美。師父覺得用這樣的名字可以帶給當地及其居民更多靈性的提昇及福報。 Benny Benny, my first“official”dog. Maltese. Protective, loving, loyal and also sticky (likes to stick close). He is a scholar, officially. Nicknames: The Boss, The Alfa, Big Brother, The Scholar. He attended/graduated from a training school named K-9 Cadet. The school was impressed by his behavior and discipline. When he graduated, I came to bring him home. The teacher told him to lay down. He did. Anxious to be in my arms, but “not allowed to walk” by the teacher, he crawled toward me inch by inch, like a trained soldier. And reached me in the still “down” position, as the teacher and all present shed tears of emotion. “My God! We did not teach him this!” Benny is very compassionate and caring. If someone is sad, he comes to offer comfort and love to that person till he or she is cheered up. One of my attendants used to play drama like crying, and Benny would always come to him and kiss him all over every time. Benny specially loves children and other animals. If he finds an injured bird or other, he will sit there on guard till I come over and take care of it. He is ever so quiet and gentle as not to frighten the wounded creature. He loves Veggie Green Bones like crazy. But if I give with the intention to pacify him as I’m leaving the house (and him) to go out, he won’t take the bone, but goes away from it into a corner and sulks! He sneaks to my place/bed anytime if let him, forsaking all comfort of his own bed/sofa. Every time I came home, or let him in my room, he is excited like Heaven, rolling all over my bed, my sofa, or sleeping bag, or on the floor – just depends on what’s available. He is a loving being incarnate. He is a high-level soul who humbly plays the role of a little dog, just to love me. Benny,瑪爾濟斯犬,我的狗兒家族的第一位「正式成員」。 忠誠護主,滿滿愛心,也很黏人。 他學識淵博,有正式文憑學位。 暱稱︰老闆、老大、大哥、學者。 他就讀並畢業於愛犬學院。那所學校對他的舉止與教養,印象極 為深刻。當他畢業時,我去接他回家。那位訓練師叫他趴下,他雖然照 做了,心裡卻急著想跑到我懷裡,可是訓練師又命令他︰「不准起來走 路!」於是,他像受過訓練的士兵一樣,用「匍匐前進」的姿勢,一路 爬到我身邊,令那位訓練師和所有在場的人看了都感動地落淚,並說: 「天哪!我們不曾教他這個!」 Benny很有愛心又會關懷他人,看到有人心情難過,他會過去安慰、 疼愛那個人,一直到對方精神振作起來為止。我有一位侍者以前常假裝 哭泣,而Benny每次都會過去一直親他。Benny特別喜愛小孩和其他動 物,當他發現受傷的鳥兒或其他的動物,他會坐在一旁守護,直到我過 去處理。他會無比的安靜、溫柔,深怕驚嚇到那個受傷的動物。 他非常愛吃素潔牙骨,但是,如果我是因為要出門離開他,而給他 吃潔牙骨來安撫他的話,他就不吃,反而會懊惱地跑到角落去!任何時 候只要我讓他有機可趁,他就會溜去我的地方或床上,完全不理會他自 己舒適的沙發床。 每次我一回家,或是讓他進我的房間,他就樂得像是到了天堂一 樣,在我的床上、沙發、睡袋或是地板上──他能去哪裡就在那裡,滾 來滾去。 他是愛心的化身,他的靈魂很高等,完全是為了愛我,所以才謙卑 地扮演一隻小狗的角色。
( 休閒生活其他 )
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