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2009/06/26 00:54:22瀏覽659|回應0|推薦0 | |
只有少數人知道, 來到人世, 自己所遭遇的一切,正是這一生所要克服的問題~為自己[量身訂作]的,與別人無關! 如果我們一味要求或希望別人為自己的問題來解決外在的障礙,或許,來生再來一次,面對同樣的問題!~因為,這一次考試,還是不及格! 只有極少數的人知道: 人生正是面對自己的disabilities 無能/無明,因為是自己的disabilities,不是別人的,只有自己可以克服overcome,然後知道如何超越! ~通過大考! Only few acknowledge the significance of overcoming the disabilities one may have. Each of us carries different kinds of disabilities with oneself, though most of us don't know exactly the way to cope with them. We apply an admission to attend the test in this life, however, we can't help but forget the intention for this test while facing the presence of disabilities. What can we possibly learn from our (mentally-physically chellenged) disability/illness? Well, everything, if we cope with the disability/illness well enough! Whatever disability/diseases we have caught, they would have being our guidance and tutors for a life time, if we have been grateful from the deepest heart. Everything appears for some meanings for each of us, if we are able to read it throughly and interpret it in time. Nothing comes for no reason. People, like Feff's dad, who is used to "fix things"! However, when it comes to not so easily cured disability/illness, we feel "helpless", and at the same time, resent the disability/illness and the disabled/ill one. We refuse to face the situation, and refuse to accept the disabled/ill person we may dearly love. Thus the ill/disabled family/friend encounter more difficulies dealing with their love ones who are refusing to help them cope with life. Life is never easy,especially when our loved ones won't think the ways we think, don't appreciate the things for which we feel grateful. This is really pitiful and frustrating for everyone. Children look at this world differently from most of the adults. They always think positively and think without hesitation by thinking "I'll.", while most adults think most of the time to themselves "I won't." What can we learn from disability/illness/this world? The children taught us: they said, We can learn to keep it going. We can learn not to stop by it. We can learn not to let it win. What can't I do with this 妥瑞氏症 disability in my life? Brad, with Tourette Syndrome (T.S.), said "I can't play hide-and seek"in my life . Well, you know, when you make some noise, people can easily hear you and know where you are. The world becomes more friendly if you are willing to be more considerate and understanding. We can make this world a helpful network by inputting more acceptance and appreciation with delicate and understanding tenderness and care. 這個世界因為更多無私的接納和欣賞而更美麗且光明! 更平等而溫暖! 記~演活[妥瑞氏症]的帥哥老師~獻上最高的敬意 |
( 知識學習|健康 ) |