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2010/03/06 18:47:09瀏覽265|回應0|推薦1
幾年來每當我氣喘如牛的跑完這森林, 快進入一工業區時...  

總會碰到一老兄快速慢跑的迎面而來......我們總會彼此 say hallo...  

我很羡幕他看來体能極佳,全身無FAT, 近10 年了也沒感覺他有變老....  


I said :You must work in that Japanese company in that industrial area , right?

I saw you started your running out of there once...

Yes, I work there...

But, how come you are running at this period of time?

This is my 35 minutes lunch time...

and I enjoy running 5.8KM within this lunch time break...

How about you?

OH, I decide how long I like to run , since I have no boss..

You are a lucky man....


一亇跑的比走的 EASY的 MAN!


Today, he told me he has run so for 18 years!


今天迎面擊了掌....他已52了, 我一直以為他30幾歲.....還好他猜我38....哈
( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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