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You can rest and relax
2008/12/31 16:42:14瀏覽380|回應0|推薦0

You can rest and relax

In today's society, many people find it difficult to slow down.

Do you feel cool and calm? If your answer is no, you're not alone. Competitive workplaces, crowded cities and fast-paced lifestyles make it hard for many to really relax. The good news is you needn't escape to a deserted beach or mountain villa to find rest and relaxation. You can experience these in the middle of a stress-filled life.

The ability to relax -- release pressure, stress and other negative emotions -- depends more on your thinking than your circumstances. You can actually train your mind to release stress effectively.

The next time you're overwhelmed with worry, analyze the situation. What is the problem? What is the cause? Most importantly, what can you do about it? Then face the situation by taking appropriate action. Make an "action plan" or a "to-do list". However, if the situation is not in your hands, you have to let it go. Take a walk, exercise, talk to a friend, pray -- do whatever it takes to get your mind off the problem.

Even the busiest people work short periods of relaxation into their schedule. They do so because they know it's necessary in order to avoid burnout. Whatever it's exercise, a hot bath or favorite TV show, find an activity that recharges your batteries.

The time you spend relaxing is an important investment. A 10-minute break in the middle of a long workday or study session can increase your productivity. A few restful hours of doing something you really enjoy may provide you with enough energy to face a busy week.

Unfortunately, not being able to relax causes some people to lose their most important rest: sleep. If that's you, sleep experts recommend keeping a "worry journal." Write everything that's on your mind in your journal before going to bed. Write down both problems and possible solutions. This activity can help you relax thoughts taht might otherwise prevent you from getting needed sleep.

Finally, recongize your own limitations. You can't do everything prefectly -- but you can get the rest and relaxation you need to do many things better.

( 知識學習其他 )
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