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Nuts for you
2008/12/12 00:11:54瀏覽327|回應0|推薦0

Eating nuts may make your heart healthier

@ Do you like nuts? If you do, which are your favorites?

I like eating nuts, because nuts is very delious for me and. As we know there are good cholesterol and bad cholesterol in our body.The good cholesterol we call it -HDL( high density lipoprotein) cholesterol and the bad cholesterol is LDL(low density lipoprotein) cholesterol. The bad cholesterol sticks to blood vessels and slowly builds up, increasing one's chance of heart disease. Eating nuts could help prevent this from happening.

There are many kinds of nuts. Peanuts were easy to eat when I was little lived in country. Because peanuts are very common agricultural products in South Taiwan's farmer. So I ate a lot of peanuts when I was young.Now for Taiwan's strong economy, we can eat may kinds of nuts imported form other counturys. Such as, cashew nuts, almond nuts, are all my favors.


@ What is one new thing you learned from this article?

The one thing I learned from this article is that I know the nuts can help us to clean our bad cholesterol and makes us more healthier. But as we know nuts are still expensive, so may be we should taste some nuts every months or from our meats to choose some nuts to eat. Do not need to save this money. Health is more import than saving these money. 

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