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2014/07/03 20:00:22瀏覽2127|回應44|推薦12 | |
原網址: 鈴木啟久 [筆供譯文(Translation of the Written Confessions)] [筆供原文(The Original Text of the Written Confessions)] 筆供內容提要(中文) 據鈴木啟久1954年7月筆供,他1890年生於日本福島縣,1934年到中國東北參加侵華戰爭,任步兵第28聯隊長輔佐,1945年4月任陸軍中將,第117師團長。同年8月31日在吉林被俘。 重要罪行有: 1934年6月前後,在錦州“殺害了2名中國農民”。 1935年3月上旬前後,援助高木大佐“於上板城附近燒掉了兩個共有300戶的村莊,並殺害了很多中國人民”。 1940年9月,在安徽宣城作戰中,對躲在屋內的約50名抗日軍人“以毒瓦斯將其全部慘殺了”。 1941年在安徽巢縣設置慰安所,並誘拐了20名“中國婦女及朝鮮婦女做為慰安婦”。 1941年11月,在河北棗強攻擊八路軍,“殺害了10人,並燒毀約有600戶兩個村莊,同時屠殺了100名中國農民”。 1941年12月,“強制居於長城線附近2公里以內的居民遷移,使之成為無人區”。 1942年1月,在唐山一帶命令田浦大佐“掃蕩,燒毀了約有800戶的房屋,並屠殺了1千名中國的農民”。 1942年4月,在河北豐潤田官營“大力的虐殺了八路軍,在魯家峪攻擊洞穴時使用毒瓦斯慘殺了八路軍幹部以下約一百人,”又將“逃至魯家峪附近村莊避難的235名中國農民用野蠻的辦法慘殺了(將其中的妊婦剖腹了),燒毀房屋約800戶,將往玉田送交的俘虜中殺害了5人,強姦婦女達百名之多”。 1942年7月,在豐潤將“民房燒毀了500戶,慘殺了約100名中國農民”。 1942年9—12月,為把遷安、遵化等地“變為無人地帶,即強制該區的居民全部遷移。”“在該地區燒毀的房屋達一萬戶以上,強迫搬走的人民達數萬以上,被慘殺者也甚多。” 1942年10月,“對灤縣潘家戴莊1280名的農民採取了槍殺、刺殺、斬殺及活埋等野蠻辦法進行了集體屠殺,並燒毀了全村800戶的房屋”。 1942年,命令日軍盤踞地區“皆設有慰安所,並引誘約60名的中國婦女任慰安婦”。 1944年5月,在河南新鄉“向抗日軍遊擊隊進行攻擊並將其殺害約10人,同時將戰場附近的村莊燒毀約300戶,殺害約100名的中國農民”。 1944年7月,在河南封丘“殺害了約40名的抗日軍遊擊隊,並在其附近燒毀了一個約有400戶的村莊,殺害了約100名的中國農民”。 1944年8月,向河南懷慶抗日軍隊“進行攻擊,並殺害約10人,將農民的房屋燒掉了約400戶,虐殺了約30名的中國人民”。 1944年11月,“我命令步兵部隊侵略林縣南部地區後,在撤出該地區之同時,由防疫給水班在三、四個村莊散佈霍亂菌,因此後來我接到‘在林縣內有100名以上的中國人民患霍亂病,死亡人數也很多’的報告”。之後,又在長路縣某村“將該村約300戶的房屋燒毀,並將該村的660名中國農民以極野蠻的辦法虐殺了,即槍殺、刺殺、燒殺等極慘暴的方法” 。“另外,在此侵略中,我的部下又共殺害了30名俘虜”。 “我為了試驗以空氣注射殺人的方法,於1945年春在懷慶的師團野戰病院命令“進行試驗,即給予當時住院的1名中國偽縣警備隊員極高的代價進行了試驗”。 1945年春,在懷慶一村莊“將該村莊的農民殺害了約500人,將全村600戶房屋燒掉了”。 1945年春前後,將焦作“附近村莊燒毀了約400戶房屋,慘殺約100名中國農民”。 1945年,在“蟠居地區命令設立所謂慰安所,並引誘約60名的中國婦女和朝鮮婦女任慰安婦”。 1945年7月,中旬“在醴泉進行了侵略,慘殺了約40名中國人民”。 “在侵略中國期間”,“只我個人的記憶即殺害了5470名中國人民,燒毀和破壞中國人民的房屋18229戶,其實際數字很(可)能還多”。
筆供英文內容提要(Abstract of the Written Confessions in English) Suzuki Keiku(鈴木啟久) According to the written confession of Suzuki Keikuin July 1954, he was born in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan in 1890 and went to northeast China in 1934 to join the Japanese War of Aggression against China, serving as assistant commander of the 28th Infantry Regiment. In April 1945, he became lieutenant general and commander of the 117th Division. He was captured in Jilin on 31August 1945. Major offences: Around June 1934: “killed two Chinese peasants” in Jinzhou; Around early March 1935: assisted Colonel Takagi in “burning down two villages with a total of 300 households near Shangban City and killing many Chinese people”; September 1940: “used poison gas to brutally kill all” of the 50 or so anti-Japanese soldiers hidden indoor in a battle in Xuancheng, Anhui; 1941: set up a comfort station in Chaoxian County, Anhui and abducted 20 “Chinese and Korean women as comfort women”; November 1941: in an attack on the Eighth Route Army in Zaoqiang, Hebei, “killed 10 soldiers, burned down two villages with around 600 households, and also slaughtered 100 Chinese peasants”; December 1941: “forced inhabitants” “in the area within 2 kilometers of the Great Wall” “to relocate and made the area a depopulated zone”; January 1942: ordered Colonel Taisuke to “burn down the houses of about 800 households and slaughter 1,000 Chinese peasants in a mop-up operation” in Tangshan area; April 1942: in Tianguanying, Fengrun, Hebei, “brutally killed soldiers of the Eighth Route Army and used poison gas in an attack to murder about 100 cadres and soldiers of the Eighth Route Army in the caves in Lujiayu” and “cruelly killed 235 Chinese peasants seeking refuge in a village near Lujiayu (cutting open the bellies of pregnant women among them), burned down houses of about 800 households, killed 5captives to be delivered to Yutian, and raped as many as100 women”; July 1942: in Fengrun, “burned down civilian houses of around 500 households and brutally killed about 100 Chinese peasants”; From September to December 1942: in order to “create depopulated zones, i.e. to force all the residents to move out” of regions including Qian’an and Zunhua, “burned down the houses of over 10,000 households in those regions, forced tens of thousands of people to relocate and also massacred many people”; October 1942: “murdered 1,280 peasants in Daizhuang Village, Panjia, Luanxian County in such cruel ways like shooting, bayoneting, slashing and burying alive, and burned down the houses of all 800 households in the village”; 1942: ordered “to set up comfort stations in all” regions where Japanese troops were stationed and “to lure about 60 Chinese women to serve as comfort women”; May 1944: in Xinxiang, Henan, “attacked anti-Japanese guerrilla forces and killed around 10 of their soldiers, burned down about 300 houses in villages close to the battlefield, and killed about 100 Chinese peasants”; July 1944: in Fengqiu, Henan, “killed about 40 soldiers of the anti-Japanese guerrilla forces, burned down a neighboring village of about 400 households, and killed about 100 Chinese peasants”; August 1944: “attacked and killed about 10 soldiers” of the anti-Japanese troops in Huaiqing, Henan, “burned down farmhouses of about 400 households, and brutally killed some 30 Chinese people”; November 1944: “I ordered the infantry to invade the southern part of Linxian County, and, when the troops were pulling out of the region, I ordered the Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Squad to spread cholera virus in three or four villages. Afterwards, I received a report saying that ‘more than 100 Chinese people in Linxian were infected with cholera, and the death toll was also high’”; after this, in a village in Changlu County, “burned down the houses of around 300 households and killed 660 Chinese peasants of the village in extremely brutal ways like shooting, bayoneting and burning”; “Also during this attack, 30 captives were killed by soldiers under my command.”; “In order to test the method of killing people with air injection, I ordered in spring 1945 the division field hospital in Huaiqing to “conduct an experiment, which is to test it on a hospitalized Chinese soldier of the Puppet County Guards with an extremely high price”; Spring 1945: “killed about 500 peasants and burned down the houses of all the 600 households” in a village in Huaiqing; Around spring 1945: “burned down the houses of around 400 households in villages” near Jiaozuo, and “brutally killed some 100 Chinese peasants”; 1945: “ordered to set up comfort stations in the regions occupied by the Japanese troops, and lured about 60 Chinese and Korean women to serve as comfort women”; Mid-July 1945: “invaded Liquan, and slaughtered about 40 Chinese people”; “During the aggression against China”, and “based on my memory alone, 5,470 Chinese people were killed, and the houses of 18,229 Chinese households were burned down or damaged. The actual number (may) be much higher.” |
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