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2024/11/26 06:12:52瀏覽333|回應0|推薦3 | |
高雄某國小老師小明批閱週記時 某生寫著:希望這個「小犬」颱風變大一點 然後直撲學校附近 這樣子就可以放颱風假 小名回應你忘記高雄以前名字是「打狗」 這是「小犬」名字第一次使用,不過,名字雖然聽起來可愛,但氣象粉專「觀氣象看天氣」就提醒別輕忽,「小犬」會在海洋熱含量偏高的海域 游呀游呀游,將逐漸成長茁壯成為「中犬」,增強速度快的話不排除發展成為一隻「猛獸」。 中度颱風「小犬」強勢襲台,蘭嶼瞬間秒速95.2公尺的打破台灣氣象史紀錄,沒想到氣象粉專「台灣颱風論壇」就表示,蘭嶼的郵遞區號剛好就是952,直言「是巧合嗎」。 小犬颱風中心正在「擦」過恆春,稍後屏東地區風雨會快速增強,「小犬有點聰明,這樣走法對他傷害最小!」 「希望哪邊有肉泥可以把它引開!」 氣象署警告:台東、恆春清晨注意「瘋狗」侵襲
Anne Murray: The End of The World Why does the sun go on shining? Why does the sea rush to shore? Dont they know its the end of the world Cause you dont love me anymore. Why do the birds go on singing? Why do the stars glow above? Dont they know its the end of the world It ended when I lost your love. I wake up in the morning and I wonder Why evrythings the same as it was. I cant understand, no I cant understand How life goes on the way it does. Why does my heart go on beating? Why do these eyes of mine cry? Dont they know know its the end of the world? It ended when you said goodbye. Dont they know know its the end of the world? It ended when you said goodbye. |
( 時事評論|社會萬象 ) |