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2022/03/27 06:01:08瀏覽510|回應0|推薦3 | |
北家手持15點5張黑桃AKJXX,以1S開叫,南家手持15點4張梅花KQJX,以2C回應,北家手持4張紅心KXXX,以2H回應,南家也手持4張紅心QXXX,立即以4H束叫。 東家首攻方塊J,夢家以方塊A定住。 莊家續拔方塊K。 莊家續拔梅花AK。 夢家攻黑桃10,西家以黑桃Q咬住,莊家以黑桃A定住。 莊家續拔黑桃K。 莊家再攻黑桃,東家以黑桃8咬住,夢家以王牌紅心2竄吃。 夢家回攻方塊5,西家以方塊Q咬住,莊家以王牌紅心7竄吃。 莊家攻黑桃,東家以王牌紅心3竄吃,夢家以王牌紅心4竄吃蓋住,西家以王牌紅心6竄吃定住,贏得第1墩。 西家攻梅花,莊家以王牌紅心9竄吃定住。 莊家攻黑桃J,東家以王牌紅心8竄吃,夢家以王牌紅心Q竄吃定住。 夢家攻梅花Q,西家以王牌紅心J竄吃,莊家以王牌紅心K竄吃定住。 最後莊家攻王牌紅心10,西家以王牌紅心A定住,贏得第2墩。 4H合約超吃1墩,得到650分。 北家手持15點沒有5張黑桃AKJXX,以1S開叫,南家手持15點4張梅花KQJX,以2C回應,北家手持4張紅心以2H回應,南家也手持4張紅心立即以4H束叫,南北家紅心44分配,缺紅心AJ,因此王牌紅心無法直接清理王牌方式處理。 莊家先以方塊AK定住首攻,續拔梅花AK,莊家續拔黑桃K,此時莊家的方塊和梅花已經空門,開始展開王牌紅心竄吃戰術,讓西家王牌紅心竄吃成功2次,其中莊家還以王牌紅心K,蓋住西家的王牌紅心J,讓損失降低到最低。夢家以王牌紅心Q2竄吃定住2次,莊家以王牌紅心K97竄吃定住3次,西家以王牌紅心A6竄吃贏得2墩,後半場王牌紅心竄吃3次,也算是橋牌奇蹟。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnK17UQHUe0 Daniel ODonnell with My Donegal Shore.
愛爾蘭流行歌手丹尼爾·奧丹紐(Daniel ODonnell) Lyrics: Oh, I know its not right, reminiscing tonight
Of days that are gone and returning no more For the girl I dream of, has a another mans love Far, far away on a Donegal shore. But why should I care for shes happy oer there
She may have children, she may be wealthy or poor But I cant help my dreams of what might have been If I stayed at home on my Donegal shore. Now its winter time there, all the trees will be bare
And the rainclouds will darken my native Gweedore But if that girl I could hold every raindrop would be gold It could fall all around us on my Donegal shore. --- Instrumental -
Now theres no one to blame but before she took his name
When she told me she loved him, it hurt me to the core But I could never descend, to be only her friend So I left her there on my Donegal shore. Now its winter time there, all the trees will be bare
And the rainclouds will darken my native Gweedore But if that girl I could hold, every raindrop would be gold It could fall all around us on my Donegal shore. But if that girl I could hold, every raindrop would be gold
It could fall all around us on my Donegal shore... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ftBhmyfizI |
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