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break and spend some time outdoors
2018/09/17 15:48:34瀏覽289|回應0|推薦0

There are two types of people in the world, those who like winter and those who hate it. people are rarely indifferent towards winter, due to its large impact on the lifestyle of most people. For people who like to be physically active, winter can be quite a difficult time to manage. You are confined to the gym, forced to exercise indoors and breath in stuffy air (gyms never smell nicely and you need to face this fact) and although it is a great physically activity, it can cause you to become a bit claustrophobic and isn’t nearly as beneficial to your health. This is why now, that winter is over, we can finally catch a break and spend some time outdoors.

The advantages of outdoor training are many. You get some fresh air, catch some sunlight, it is far easier to keep your motivation high when you are not trapped inside and these are just some of the things that are worth mentioning. It is common knowledge that being active and spending time outside is one of the bigger factors for having a happy life.

Still, how do you do it? What exercises could you do outside in order to get fit and remain healthy? Well, this is exactly what we are here to talk about!

1. Outdoors Crossfit exercises

In later years, Crossfit has turned into a globally accepted exercising approach. Since its inception it has gone through more than a few modifications, and this is only natural due to its immense popularity, though there are a bunch of unprofessional people who jumped on the bandwagon handing out “advice”. Still, there are also professionals who create Crossfit variations that actually work. Jason Banada created a simple Crossfit program that you can do outdoors and that requires absolutely no equipment.

Here are two variations you can do to get in shape.

Workout variation no. 1:
5 Rounds each (Beginner level)

5x push Ups
10x Sit ups
10x Squats

Workout variation no. 2:
5 Rounds each (Intermediate level)

10x Burpees
20x Bench jumps
30x pushups
40x Squats
50x Lunges

Apply your common sense. If you feel like you are going to pass out from exertion, take a break and catch your breath. Don’t push yourself till you fall. If you are novice at fitness training you might want to check out a few YouTube fitness channels to get prepared. Knowledge very much equals power and gains here, and many tend to forget that.

2. Trail running exercises

I find the treadmill is one of the most boring ways to exercise at the gym. The reason I find it so drudgingly boring is a bit connected to the fact that I used to go jogging and trail running for both exercise and pleasure, so staring at a wall or a hall full of gym equipment ruins it for me. Trail running on the other hand is a great way to exercise, since it activates both your aerobic and anaerobic energy systems and it really gets you in shape.

It also forces your body to adjust to the terrain and activates muscles you didn’t know existed! This will burn your excessive calories and give you a decent looking body if you stick to it 2-3 times a week. Be careful when you do this though and don’t let your mind wander while you are running. You can seriously injure yourself if you do not pay attention to what you are doing.

3. Ride a bicycle

I know many people who really, truly hate running and this is nothing strange. If you fall into this category then riding a bicycle can be a great solution for you. Many disregard the importance of bikes but there are more than a few ways they can help out and have helped humanity out, in general.

First of all, a 135 pound (61 kg) female that rides a bike about 13 miles per hour, burns around 500 calories in a 60 minute ride! Furthermore, riding a bike reduces stress, is great for the environment and you can also ride a bike for charity. It is a legitimate form of transportation that is free after the initial purchase. So, what are you waiting for, get a bicycle and start exploring your environment to get in shape!

4. SUp (Stand up paddle Boarding)
A discipline that is mostly associated with Hawaii is a form of a paddling exercise which works out your core, can be modified to be light or intense and due to its straightforward execution, you are very unlikely to injure yourself. It basically brings the same benefits as aerobics and strength training put together. It takes a bit of time to get used to and to get the form right but it is nothing that is outside anyone’s reach. The popular nickname for SUp is “hiking on water”.

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