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RFID產品侵權專利Neology請求ITC調查Federal Signal
2013/03/05 13:28:43瀏覽135|回應0|推薦0

2013年2月22日,以開發應用無線射頻辨識(radio frequency identification, RFID)技術、製造販售RFID產品並特別著重於電子車輛註冊(electronic vehicle registration, EVR)與電子收費(toll collection, Tolling)系統之開發的Neology, Inc.公司(下稱Neology),向美國國際貿易委員會(ITC)提告,請求ITC調查Federal Signal Corporation(下稱FSC)、其子公司Federal Signal Technologies, LLC(下稱FSTech)、其附屬事業部門Sirit Corp.(下稱Sirit)、以及於2012年9月從FSC收購FSTech與Sirit之相關事業資產的3M Company,其所輸入至美國境內販售、符合ISO 18000-6C標準之RFID產品(包括RFID標籤(transponders/tags)、RFID標籤嵌片(inlays)、與RFID讀取器(readers)等)及其組件,直接與間接侵犯了Neology所擁有之3項專利權利,進而違反美國關稅法第337條(19 U.S.C. § 1337)之規定。


  • 美國專利編號US 7,081,819與US 7,671,746,名稱均為「用於提供安全辨識解決方案之系統與方法(System and method for providing secure identification solutions)」,分別於2006年7月25日與2010年3月2日核發。前者計有13項請求項,Neology就其獨立項1與2主張權利;後者計有17項請求項,Neology就其獨立項8、9與16、以及附屬項10、11、12、15、17主張權利;
  • 美國專利編號US 6,690,264,名稱是「用於射頻辨識之選擇性掩蓋電路及掩蓋RFID標籤之方法(Selective cloaking circuit for use in a radiofrequency identification and method of cloaking RFID tags)」,於2004年2月10日核發,計有24項請求項,Neology就其獨立項1與10、以及附屬項2至9、11至18主張權利。


Neology除請求ITC進行調查外,也在2011年7月29日向德拉瓦州聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告FSC、FSTech與Sirit侵犯包括本案3項系爭專利在內的6項專利權利(Neology Inc.v. Federal Signal Corporation et. al.,案號為1:11-cv-00672-LPS-MPT)。而在2012年5月21日,Neology向加州中區聯邦地院提起另一起告訴,控告FSC、FSTech與Sirit侵犯另兩項專利(Neology Inc.v. Federal Signal Corporation et. al.,案號為2:12-cv-04422-JAK-JPR),該案於2012年10月22日被移送管轄至德拉瓦州聯邦地院(案號為1:12-cv-01345-LPS-MPT)並與前案合併審理。

Neology在美國ITC訴狀,對於在國內產業(domestic industry)要件,指出其在美國境內有顯著設施設備投資(在加州設有製造測試RFID標籤產品之工廠)、有顯著勞動僱用、並延續其前身Single Chips Systems Corp.公司而持續投入資源進行與系爭專利相關的技術研發。(1024字;表2)


US 7,671,746請求項16 US 6,690,264請求項1
16. A method of verifying information stored in a memory on a chip (Fig.1 - 115), the chip interfaced with an antenna (Fig.1 - 120), the method comprising:
1. An improvement in a cloaked RFID taghaving an antenna comprising:
granting access to a memory based on a security key;
a switch;
reading first identification information associated with a person, item, product, or vehicle associated with the chip from the memory on the chip via the antenna using a radio frequency reader (Fig.1 - 125); and
a logic circuit (Fig.1 - 10) coupled to said switch to selectively allow communication of signals through said antenna during normal operation to allow output of a signal from said RFID tag through said antenna and to disable the output from said RFID during a cloaking period; and
comparing the first identification information with second identification information to determine if a match exists.
a receiving connection to said RFID tag so that command signals are continuously receivable notwithstanding cloaking of said RFID tag.

US 7,081,819請求項1
1. A method of verifying information, comprising:
granting access to a memory based on a security key;
storing first identification information in the memory on a chip (Fig.1 - 115) with a radio frequency antenna (Fig.1 - 120);
incorporating the chip onto a radio frequency identification mechanism (Fig.1 - 105);
reading first identification information from the memory on the chip with a radio frequency antenna with a radio frequency reader (Fig.1 - 125); and
comparing the first identification information with second identification information to determine if a match exists.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/03


訴訟名稱 In the Matter of Certain Radio Frequency Identification (“RFID”) Products and Components Thereof
提告日期 2013年2月22日
原告 Neology, Inc.
被告 Federal Signal Corporation
Federal Signal Technologies, LLC
Sirit Corp.
3M Company
案號 Inv. No. 337-TA-___ (ITC尚未決定展開調查)
(recent complaints filed with the USITC, Doc. No. 2941)
訴訟法院 the United States International Trade Commission
系爭專利 US7,081,819
US 7,671,746
US 6,690,264
系爭產品 Sirit之RFID自動車輛辨識(automatic vehicle Identification, AVI)設備,如:(舉隅)
IDentity5200 High-Performance AVI Reader;
IDentity 5100 High-Performance AVI Reader;
IDentity Windshield Mount Tags;
IDentity Headlamp Mount Tags;
http://www.sirit.com/AVI_Products.asp (最後瀏覽日:2013/02/27)

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/03


關鍵字:ITC調查;專利侵權;RFID;電子車輛註冊系統(electronic vehicle registration, EVR);電子收費系統(toll collection, Tolling);Neology, Inc.;Federal Signal Corporation;Sirit Corp.

資料來源: 科技產業資訊室-SYL撰稿 2013/3/1 (http://cdnet.stpi.narl.org.tw/techroom/pclass/2013/pclass_13_A076.htm)

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