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當(4) school為英文單字 字首時 都和學校有關
2009/12/12 14:28:01瀏覽2021|回應0|推薦8

school為英文單字 字首時 都和學校有關

1.          School age=學齡

2.          School book=教科書

3.          School boy=學童

4.          School child=學童

5.          School days=學生時代

6.          School day=授課時數

7.          School district =學區

8.          School fellow =同學

9.          School girl=女同學

10.      School house=校舍

11.      School ing=訓練或教育

12.      School ma'am=女教師

13.      School master=校長

14.      School mate=同學

15.      School of Lay=理學

16.      School room=教室

17.      School teacher=小學教師

18.      School year=學年度

19.      School board=教育委員會

20.      School mis tress=女校長

21.      School time=授課時間

22.      School work=學業

23.      Schoolyard=運動場

school; educational institution: 學校教育設立:

學校辦工廠 school; establishing factories;

半日制學校 half-day school;

工業學校 school of technology;

大專院校 institution of higher learning;

函授學校 correspondence school;

護士學校 nurses' training school; nursing school;

聾啞學校 school for deaf-mutes;

盲人學校 school for the blind;

全日制正規學校 full-time regular school;

少年業餘體育學校 youth spare-time sports school; youth amateur athletic school; 師範學校 teachers' school; normal school;

業餘學校 spare-time school;

幼兒師範學校 school for kindergarten teachers;

職業學校 vocational school;

中等專業學校 secondary specialized school;

中等技術學校 secondary technical school;

重點學校 key school;

專業學校 specialized school;

學校學成年數 school years completed

學校教育 school education;

學校圖書館 school library;

學校組織管理 management and organization of school


a continuation school 職業補習學校;成人學校。 

a medical [law] school []學部[學院] 

an artisan school 技工學校。 

a trade [vocational] school 職業學校。 

a national school 〔英國〕公立學校。 

the chemistry school 化學教室。 

a sixth form school 〔英國〕六年級教室。 

S- begins at nine o'clock. 九點鐘開始上課。 

The whole school was punished. 全校學生都受處罰了。 

two schools of aviating apparatus 飛行機的兩大類型。 

after school 下課後,放學後 

(I will tell you after school. 下課後跟你講) 

at school 1. 在學校。 2. 在求學。 3. 在上課。 

be dismissed [expelled] from school 被開除學籍。 

begin [start] school 開始求學。 

finish school 完成學業。 

go to school 到校上課;上學去;開始求學。 

go to school to (sb.) 受教於某人,跟某人學習,模仿(某人) 

have no school today 今天無課。 

in school 在上[]學。 

in the hard school of adversity 經受逆境的艱苦鍛煉。 

in the schools in for one's schools (某人)正在考試,正在考(牛津大學)學位考試。 

keep a school (私立)學校。 

leave school 1. 退學。 2. (畢業)離校。 3. 放學回家。 

old school tie 〔英國〕畢業後沿用不舍的母校特殊圖案的領帶;〔轉義〕感情用事的地方[懷舊]觀念。 

put [send] a child to school 送孩子進學校。 

school fee(s) 學費。 

school pence 〔英國〕小學校的每周學費。 

stay away from school 曠課 (cut school) 

teach school 〔古語〕教學,教書,當教師〔現普通說作 teach in a school〕, tell tales out of school tale 條。









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