不管藍營或綠營不是都說英國沒承認台灣屬中國大陸嗎 那跟你講那就錯了雖然英國有稱馬英九是總統 和在北市設立文化協會不過英國還是百分之百承認台灣屬中國大陸及不承認台灣是個國家證據如下 DID YOU KNOW?
The People's Republic of China claims sovereignty over Taiwan and regards Taiwan as a province of China. The United Kingdom acknowledges the position of the Chinese Government that Taiwan is a province of China and recognises the Chinese Government as the sole legal government of China. The United Kingdom does not recognise Taiwan as a state and does not have diplomatic relations with Taiwan. The United Kingdom considers the Taiwan issue as one to be settled by the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. We are strongly opposed to any use of force and urge both sides to engage in constructive dialogue.
The United Kingdom enjoys a flourishing relationship with Taiwan based on trade, investment, financial, educational, cultural and other exchanges. The information provided below and all references to Taiwan and the Taiwan authorities should be read in this context. 以上是英文不懂可問老師或在google翻譯 民國99年8月31日