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徐瑋 : 預祝全天下的媽媽們母親節Mother's Day!快樂 !
2018/05/09 19:09:18瀏覽545|回應0|推薦4

徐瑋 : 預祝全天下的媽媽們母親節Mother's Day快樂 ! 
每逢佳節倍思親,一年一度的Mother's Day即將來到,今年您打算怎麼和母親或是孩子一起過母親節 ? ! 

我和媽媽的感情非常非常好,可說是無話不談,14歲之前幾乎每天一起睡覺,一起逛街、吃飯是經常的事。遺憾的是我已經很久沒有過母親節,每年的母親節成為一個懷念的日子 ! 
家人永遠是最溫暖的依靠,一定要珍惜正在擁有的親情,快著手安排母親節的節目,我和Red Paco Brother's(帕可三兄弟)預祝福全天下的媽媽們母親節快樂 ! 
When Mother's Day is celebrated every season, the annual Mother's Day is coming. How would you plan to spend Mother's Day with your mother or your child this year?
The relationship between my mother and I was very, very good, but I could say nothing about it! Eating together is a regular thing. Unfortunately, I haven’t had Mother’s Day for a long time. Every year Mother’s Day is a day of nostalgia!
The family is always the most warmth to rely on, and we must cherish the affection that we are having. We must begin to arrange programs for Mother's Day.I and Red Paco Brother's bless the mothers of the whole world happy Mother's Day!

( 興趣嗜好偶像追星 )
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