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Doggy Diary--(My dog’s typical day)
2008/06/10 13:06:55瀏覽3295|回應0|推薦0
6 a.m.: I wake up before Mom. I move around in bed giving her kisses to wake her up. She hides herself in blankets to avoid me, but eventually she wakes up and puts me on the ground to pee.
7 a.m: I got my breakfast after Mom finishes her waking up routines. Mom sneaks out home while I am eating! I sleep and chew my rawhide dingo bone or booda bone most of the day.
6p.m. ~ 10 p.m.: Mom comes back, deals with her own business, gives me a training lesson, combs me, and finally gives me my dinner!
12 a.m.: To bed! Wan!

11am: Mom sleeps in, no breakfast until she wakes up. She puts me on the ground around 8 a.m. to play by myself and pee. She spends the day in front of her desk and laptop. I sleep under her chair or in her lap. She sometimes goes out and leaves me home alone. I sleep when she is away.
8 p.m.: Dinner time! + Training session.
8:30 p.m.: Mom goes out with friends (sometimes). I sleep when she is away.
12~3am: Mom comes back to sleep! Wan!

Yeah, my dog’s typical day is pretty boring. He gets nothing to do most of the day, except sleeping and chewing on toys.

He now learned “Give me Five!” and “Jump!” (over my legs.)
………Training Lessons Continue…
( 心情隨筆寵物生活 )
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