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Breast Cancer Awareness Month
2010/10/16 08:00:38瀏覽476|回應3|推薦12

It's the month of October and it is breast cancer awareness month. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention and cause. Although October is designated as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the NBCAM organization is dedicated to raising awareness of breast cancer awareness throughout the year.

The www.NBCAM.org Web site is a year-round resource for breast cancer patients, survivors, caregivers and the general public, and we encourage you to visit our site in October and regularly throughout the year as we add updated breast cancer information and resources. As of today, the NBCAM organization is comprised of several national public service organizations, professional medical associations, and government agencies working in partnership to build breast cancer awareness, share information and provide access to screening services.

There are many activities that one can attend to fundraise any funds, such as: Susan G. Komen. Susan G. Komen is a fundraising walk, which is spread across 3 days, raises money for breast cancer research.

( 知識學習健康 )
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2010/10/26 12:10

Annual routine check is very important. Also, watch your diet.. Soy products and tofu are good for women.

Sir Norton 黑幫哪裡黑?
Up the awareness and proactive care
2010/10/23 13:35
很有意義的公益活動, 您和朋友有心盡力, 積少可成多, 我為您們叫好熱讚。

Mrs. Doctor
2010/10/16 14:10

Make sure scheduled your Mammogram every year. Cancer can be cure, if you find out early.