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Encounter / Lisa
2009/10/09 17:14:33瀏覽28|回應0|推薦0

This is what happened to me at St. Rose Hospital one September morning.

I was called to discharge a patient.  As a routine procedure, I pushed a wheelchair to the patient's room.  When I got there, I found out that he was a Chinese man, kind of pale and weak.  The nurse instructed me to take him to Security to claim his belongings first.  He had two pieces of luggage with him.

I pushed the man on the wheelchair, holding a smaller piece of the luggage.  A nurse was puling the larger piece of the luggage which had wheels on it.  We went to the front lobby, checked him out, and left the luggage at the volunteer desk.  I wheeled him to Security to get his valuables.  He had a wallet with more than $500 cash and several credit cards in it.  (Seemed like the guy did well.)  He signed the paper claiming he received all the items.

After that, I pushed him back to the lobby to wait for the taxi.  (The lady at the volunteer desk had already called for a taxi.)  We had a little chat - in Chinese.  ^_^  I didn't ask any questions.  He told me his Chinese last name.  I only learned that he was from China .  He had to fly to California to a friend's or a family's, then fly back to China .  I told him that I came from Taiwan .  Somehow, he was very thankful that I helped him.  He said that many Chinese people were so caught up with money that people were cold and indifferent to each other.  I said that doing volunteer work to help people made me happy.  He was quite impressed.  He said to me that God would bless me a couple of times.

Then the taxi showed up.  The taxi driver was putting his luggage in the trunk, and I asked the driver to help him at the airport, etc.  When I helped him get into the taxi, he was so moved that he stared at my face for a couple of minutes.  I felt embarrassed, so I hurried back off.  When th taxi was leaving, he raised his voice and asked how could he get in touch with me.  (From my name tag, he learned that my name was Lisa.)  I raised my voice and said, "Just write to the hospital for volunteer Lisa."

I was kind of touched also.  I wonder what kind of fate makes us meet different people in this world.  There is a Chinese poem about this kind of encounter.  The feeling would last a long time even if you only meet for few minutes.  It sure happened to me.


Lisa註:I live in the City of Henderson of the State of Nevada .  It is a city next to Las Vegas .  We see Chinese tourists, who are always in a group, all the time.  But I never tried to get to know any of them.  Without the incident, I wouldn't know that Chinese guy either.  







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