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Operation Loaded Dice / Lisa
2009/11/22 08:39:29瀏覽25|回應2|推薦0

As a CERT (Community Emergency Respond Team) member, I participated in an exercise called “Operation Loaded Dice” in Las Vegas on the 10th of November.  It was a drill for earthquakes, chemical spills, and terrorist attacks by the three cities of North Las Vegas , Las Vegas , and Henderson .  The police department, the fire department, recreation centers, and hospitals in three cities were all involved.  There were people with different colored vests for different functions (directors. evaluators, communication personnel. etc.)  Also, there were a group of men in the same color polo shirts that I had no idea what was their function.  Over 120 CERT members (two bus loads) volunteered to act as victims and evacuees to flood into shelters and hospitals.  


As an evacuee, I really didn’t do anything except sit around and eat.  We were taken into a temporary shelter (with cots and blankets) in North Las Vegas .  Before we got there, we were told that we could act stressed out.  We were tired and hungry, we had lost our homes, we had lost contact with family members, and our pets, etc.  It was fun to see those young people at the shelter ( Recreation Center ) being overwhelmed by us, a big group of people being so cranky.  The other bus took "injured" people to a hospital.  It sure was a good exercise for those professionals. 


Several people were given some stuffed animals which indicated they have pets with them.  They went to another shelter where they could take care of animals as well.  Interestingly, a man in our group was holding a big "stuffed dog," which was labeled as a "service dog."  That means that dog was a seeing dog and was a part of that man.  Because he was with a service dog, he was treated as a normal person.  That man was holding that stuffed dog in our group the whole time.  When we got our food, that stuffed dog got his dog food also.  (I was quite impressed by their kindness and thoughtfulness toward animals.)  From the information I got online, the budget for this exercise was $250,000.


I was at the "headquarter," which was located on one full block without any buildings except many tents, around 7: 30 in the morning.  There were piles and piles of donuts and muffins for breakfast.  Then, came an "Emergency Canteen" vehicle with several people on board.  They started making sandwiches for a couple of hundreds of people there.  After we arrived at the shelter in North Las Vegas , they gave us bottled water, snacks, and a box lunch.  After we signed out, we could take a box lunch with us.  (I really felt that there was never a food shortage in this country.  Why were there people in hunger?  Just to see how much food there was!)  


Around 4 pm, when I was leaving and walking toward my car, another volunteer lady asked me "Will you do this again?"  I hesitated for few seconds.  Then, she gave me a big smile and said, "Yes!  Why not?"  ^_^



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Re: Operation Loaded Dice / Lisa
2009/11/23 19:52
In American society, people keep distance from each other.  Even families are not very close.  (Of course this doesn't mean all Americans.)  Pets are like family members for many people.  We all understand that pets give us comfort and companionship.  Some people are trying to make it a law that the money spend on pets is tax-deductible.  Raising children is tax-deductible.  Keeping pets should be the same.  

We will never question about taking our pets with us if there is a disaster.  The funny thing is that after Catrina (a flood in New Orleans), they found many human bodies, but no animals bodies.  Some people were wondering why there were no animal bodies.  You know as well as I know that animals know how to escape to safety.  We human beings had lost that kind of survival skills.  

Americans are not great.  We take care of our pets because we need them.

Re: Operation Loaded Dice / Lisa
2009/11/23 07:31
