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2017/05/15 09:29:09瀏覽323|回應0|推薦0 | |
declare cursor cur is (select tc_pqf33,tc_pqf07, xx.tc_pqh01 as tc_pqh01 , xx.tc_pqh03 as tc_pqh03 , xx.max_tc_pqh06b as max_tc_pqh06b from dg.tc_pqf_file pqf , (select tc_pqh01,tc_pqh03, max(tc_pqh06b) as max_tc_pqh06b from dg.tc_pqh_file pgh, dg.tc_pqg_file pqg where pgh.tc_pqh01 = pqg.tc_pqg01 and pqg.tc_pqgconf = 'Y' group by tc_pqh01, tc_pqh03 order by tc_pqh01, tc_pqh03) xx /*end of select tc_pqh01,tc_pqh03....*/ where pqf.tc_pqf01 = xx.tc_pqh01 and pqf.tc_pqf02 = xx.tc_pqh03 and tc_pqf33 < xx.max_tc_pqh06b ); /*end of declare cursor*/ begin /*再依 curcor cur 資料的每一筆進行更新作業*/ for rec in cur loop update dg.tc_pqf_file set tc_pqf33 = rec.max_tc_pqh06b where tc_pqf01 = rec.tc_pqh01 and tc_pqf02 = rec.tc_pqh03; end loop; end; /*end of 再依 curcor cur 資料的每一筆進行更新作業*/ |
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