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Green Island by: 鳥弟
2009/07/30 17:46:07瀏覽258|回應0|推薦0

Green Island by: 鳥弟

Before we got to Green Island we took a bus to Taipei's train station, then we went on the train for 6 hours to get from Taipei to Taitung. We got on a taxi to get to the harbor and waited for our boat to come. The boat ride was only 50 minutes or so.

The first thing I noticed after I stepped outside the boat was the hot and humid weather. We found 許媽媽 ( The owner of the house we lived in) waiting for us and she took us to 2 motorcycles. There was almost no more oil in them so we went to get oil. It was CROWDED there.

 We met a 74 years old uncle that took us snorkeling. We snorkeled for 3 times. Each time we snorkeled, we saw different colored fish and corals there. We even got to feed the fish. A fish eating the bread I was feeding bit me. It hurt a lot.

The day before we left, the uncle took us to see things like the toilet in the water which is just a hole with water coming out from the bottom, crab shells, a heart shaped stone...... I didn' t really seem to like it because I ws thirsty and also because the uncle was sitting down talking . When we got water, I drank it very fast. The uncle took us to a grassland  and we saw a rat and bull-shaped stone.

We all got sunburned because of the snorkeling. I got the least sunburned because I was mostly in the water. Only my arm was sunburned. My dad, mom, and brother all got their backs or legs sunburned. Then we went back to Hsinchu.

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