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Turn off Light
2013/11/13 21:59:59瀏覽21|回應0|推薦0
My mom is learning English, and I am her teacher.

Almost everyday she sees me, the must-ask question is "How do you say "OOO" in English?"
Just like today, she was asking me to tell her what is "..." callled in English. I told her "LIGHT", but she kept asking me to pronouce it again and agian and again. I somehow couldn't stand it, then I forced her to put records in the notebook I bought for her. Hmm, teaching requires patience, lots of. I'm wondering when I was little, how did Mom deal with me??

While learning English, Mom is like a child full of curiousity.  She uses her own way to learn. Repeat the same vocabulary and use other similar sounds to help herself memorize it.
( 心情隨筆家庭親子 )
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