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Floor Mopping
2013/11/11 22:35:30瀏覽17|回應0|推薦0
愛你喲! When I got home, there's a little black shadow came over smiling at me.
She is "Tan-Tan". The warm welcome came from my neighbor's little child, only 3 years old.
I still remember I gave her grandma a ride to a hopspital when she was still a baby.
Now she's kinda of grown up to be a little cute girl.
She could be very adorable and nice to see.
Anyway, I played with her for while, then her grandma took her home.

I looked at my home, this place I've living in for about one-third of a century.
I don't know why. I just wanna make it clean.
Sweepinp and mopping the floor for more than one hour.
My mind is filled with fragrance of happiness.
My mom kept asking me to stop what I was doing.
But I like it.  
I like the shiny floor.
That must be the side effect after living with my darling for 2 and half a days.
I gradually love mopping floors.
Do floor love me? Donno.

( 心情隨筆家庭親子 )
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