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Bought Clothes for Mom
2013/09/10 23:23:24瀏覽31|回應0|推薦0
Eventually, my mom was in my car and ready to go shopping with me.
God knows how much time I spent persuading her to go with me.
She seldom went to the town.
And the area she mostly wandered around was our neighborhoom.
Even though I hated her at some very moments, I still care about her from the bottom of my heart.
I think the best way to show her is not only giving her money, but also doing things for her.
I was very pleased when I saw her looking good in those new clothes.
Thank you, Mom, for bringing me to this wonderful world.  
Without you, I cannot experience the ups and downs in life.
Because of you, I met some unique friends and my darling...
( 心情隨筆家庭親子 )
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