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2013/04/06 23:35:05瀏覽32|回應0|推薦0
Before today, sometimes I wondered what I can do for my parents.
What ways to make them feel my care?
Finally, I found the answer today.
I went to a library to borrow 20 books this morning.
Before driving home, I called my dad to make sure if they need some food.
He preferred lunchboxes.
So I did bought the lunchbox he appointed.
Not long after we finished the meal, I took them to your place in Taoyuan.
We spent two hours singing in the karaoke.
Even though mom kept complaining, she also sang many songs with us.
After KTV, dinner was our next stop which was recommended by me.
They also liked what they saw and ate. Most important of all, it was on me.
They were all pleased.
I could see and I could feel that.
Especially when my father proposed that we might come here twice per month.
Making them happy is amazingly simple.
( 心情隨筆家庭親子 )
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