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Becoming Jane
2010/12/31 22:43:06瀏覽191|回應0|推薦1

This is a movie I watched almost two years ago.
To prepare for the entrance exam,
I quit, studied at home ,and stopped the contract with the cable TV.

At times, I borrowed DVD from rental shops.
One of my favorite movie I borrowed is "Becomeing Jane".

Jane Austen pursued her love,
but at the end she decided to let it go.
Because she discovered the reality of life.
If she insisted to get married with the man she loved,
His family would be down and out.
She had no other choices but gave up this relationship.

As a result,
she left him secretly without saying goodbye and giving reasons.
At the end of the movie,
they two met again.
The most touching moment is that she heard the man calling his daughter "Jane".
He named  his daugher after her name.

( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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