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Went to National Forest Recreation Area with Alex
2009/03/27 22:27:41瀏覽357|回應0|推薦0

Alex phoned me at 10 o'clock this morning.
He said he will finish his workload in one hour.
So he asked me if I am free or not.
"That'll be great! When and where shall we meet?" I asked.
Then he picked me up in front of the convineince store at eleven
I felt terrific to go out and have some fun.
First, we went to the restaurant which is " all you can eat".
We definitely enjoyed the tasty food and cozy atmosphere.
After one hour and half an hour,
we hit the road to our destination, National Forest Recreation Area".
The forest is amazing.
I truely need the energy comes from nature.
By closing to nature,
I get tranquility.

"In all nature's beauty, I look for my soul.

And find it reflected, as part of the whole."

             -Celia Straus

P.S The scenery pictures come from

( 興趣嗜好運動 )
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