Since my job as a shop clerk, one of my duties is clean the shop.
Needless to say, the cleaner, the better.
But what concerned me was I hated wiping window.
Unfortunately, very cruel thing was our shop have large french windows.
It is hard to believe that I love wiping glass window now.
While wiping all the dusts out, it seems like the worries be eliminated at the same time.
To my surprise, I hate wiping window the most formerly.
However, I am fond of wiping glass after I get hang of it.
Let's talk about why I hated wiping glass first.
The reason is I thought it was a mission impossible to make it.
The task took me a number of time and the outcome was lousy.
Moreover, I thought the more time I used to wipe window,
the more lousy outcome I caused.
The problem was the tool I choosed is totally wrong.
I used newspaper and detergent to clean the window.
Naturally, I failed to deliver amazing shine.
Now it is time to reveal the secret.
The tip is really eazy to learn.
All I have to do is use the dry cloth and detergent to wipe glass.
It is a peice of cake to pick up.
In conlusion, I am the queen of glass wipe.
I am able to deliver spotless, sparkling glass!