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2008/12/18 21:27:04瀏覽244|回應0|推薦1

It was so terrific to prepare the presents for colleagues.
Today I went to the photo shop to develop pictures.
The pictures which main roles are my colleages and me.
Much to my delight, the processing of picking up presents is very enjoyable.  
Because I feel contented about preparing surprise for them.
Besides photoes, I also bought the other items as gifts.
Such as some adorable books, compact disc and vitamin D.
It has been a long time since last time I prepare gifts for someone.
Actually, I am not a considerable person.
I am not used to do this.
However, I  really hope they will like photoes, cards and special gifts.
My dear colleagues, goodbye.
I perfectly apreciated about what you have done for me.
I know I can be very annoying sometimes.
Sorry about that.
Thanks for your kindness to teach me a number of things.
It is truely great to become your colleague.
Hope everyone be happy and healthy everyday.

Best wishes from me

( 心情隨筆男女話題 )
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