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2014/07/12 23:05:37瀏覽34|回應0|推薦2

You can find a job, a friend, or a boyfriend.
But, you can never ever get a chance to choose your parents.

I’m so happy to have such a papa and mom.


Papa is a superman, and he is making progress all the time.

Now he is learning singing.

I also found his saxophone sound much better than before.

Most importantly, he treated my mom and me very well.

He listened to my worries from job to marriage.

His great sense of humor lightened up awkward atmosphere.


Even though my mom is lazy and sloppy, she is kind-hearted.

My mom in some way is really funny.

She didn’t mean to be, but she is.

The way she pronounced and learned English from me pushed me to go further.

She admired my English proficiency, but what she didn’t know was I was not good as she thought.

No matter what...I am grateful that she regarded me as a competent one, which gave me confidence.


This time, I encountered the intersection in my career. My parents always got my back. They believed me and encouraged me. “If your boss didn’t treat you right, why should you think so much for them?  Save yourself first.” Bloody true. I’m already super tired of being a delivery person. I am not. I am a sales representative, OK? Sadly, 70% of my job contributed to goods or sample delivery. The balance will finally be my favorite part, promoting products.  

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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