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2019/06/03 21:16:06瀏覽60|回應0|推薦0
I had dinner with Sas* tonight. It was a total surprise for both of us. I Lined her this afternoon, originally we would like to meet tomorrow night. Then she was checking if I am available tonight as well. Yes, I borrowed a helmet from my coworker. The deal is done. The chat was lovely. I am so glad to see she living a happy life now, having high job satisfaction, "bye bye" to numb boyfriend last Dec, dancing still. Only one negative thing about tonight is the dinner choice. The one we intended to go was a bit far away and it was off on Mondays. We had no other choice but turn to the Plan B. Oh HELL NO. The Plan B turned out to be a disaster. It is the worst Thai basil chili beef Ive ever eaten. It is kinda acheivement, I guess?
( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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