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Working Wife
2014/03/11 23:58:43瀏覽12|回應0|推薦0
Welcome to an animation world.
Clocks have been spun lightning fast forward.
Cooking, dirty dishes, and messy floor are all chasing after me.

What's the life of a simulated working wife?
Wearing apron as an uniform after work.
Googling recipes at work during eating the lunchbox that I prepared in the morning.
Being off-work promtly to pick my darling up or to go home soon and get dinner ready.
Paying close attention to the latest coupons and catalogues from...not from department store...it's from.. supermarket...

Kind of pathetic and miserable..
Originally, I thought I could handle it well.
But it was far more difficult..
Compared to the satisfaction you finished the plate nice and clean, I can see you right after work, I can hug you almost most of the time, I can take care of what you eat and drink, the difficulties was less painful.
It can't beat me down, ha~
( 心情隨筆愛戀物語 )
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