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中英對談: 純屬虛構 若有雷同 實為巧合
2006/03/11 19:10:47瀏覽258|回應3|推薦9

M says:
G says:
I am doing good
G says:
how about you?
G says:
my wife is having a Mother's night out, and I am still waiting for her
M says:
M says:
G says:
腳踏車? No, running machine
G says:
I actually hurt my ankle, an old injury, that will keep me from exercise for a while
M says:
G says:
it is ankle  lower than 膝蓋
G says:
my house is not a good place for swimming pool
G says:
I am worry about your son's teacher in the band, not a good example
M says:
G says:
no, if a role model is doing this, it has to be corrected.
G says:
I never raised my voice when I coached
M says:
G says:
G says:
young guys, need more training
M says:
G says:
yes, but it is a old old injury, remember I told you that I hope I have known you earlier to ask your uncle's help
M says:
G says:
i have about 40 injured spots,
G says:
the price of being an athlete
M says:
G says:
no, athlete is beyond that level
G says:
athletes trained themselves to reach the limit, not for health.
G says:
on the other hand, hurting the body but getting a healthier spirit is even more valuable, don't you think?
G says:
don't be fooled by conventional value system
G says:
management first step
G says:
"break all the rules"
G says:
remember, my heart surrenders...
M says:
G says:
very differently
M says:
M says:
G says:
Taiwan's coaches tried to force the athletes to do somethings beyond their nature
M says:
G says:
so, people got abused, remember I left the message in his blog? don't try to score.
M says:
G says:
in soccer, if you try to score, then you lose the fun of playing
G says:
the stars are not only star
M says:
M says:
G says:
the only baseball stars taiwane ever had were Kuo Lee Chien-Fu., Kuo Tai-Yuan and Wang Cheng-Ming
G says:
three among all those great talents
M says:
G says:
that's true
G says:
when you train an athlete, you need to train both physically and mentally
G says:
remember my comment, the gamesmanship
G says:
it is also an important part of the game, use the brains, not just the body
M says:
M says:
G says:
M says:
G says:
I am not physical education major, right?
M says:
G says:
no, you have to be good at whatever you are doing, than passion and idea/dreams
M says:
G says:
I believe you have to be good at one or two things, very very good at
G says:
even music appreciation can be one
G says:
but, don't worry about the ranking
G says:
I wrote, if you play to win, you lose, but you have to play your best, every time
M says:
G says:
Taiwanese people set so many different rules to limit ourselves
G says:
you have to respect every moment you spend on anything
M says:
G says:
when you sit down, you have to think about what is the best pose for your body, and spirit,
M says:
G says:
simple enough?
G says:
maybe just copy our conversation?
G says:
M says:
G says:
comment out names, of course
G says:
yeah, not bad, right?
M says:
G says:
like this is the best utilized of your time
G says:
why, except the name, right?
G says:
nobody would know
M says:
as you like
G says:
good, this is a good first step for your change of attitude
M says:
M says:
G says:
you are the kind of person really like to discipline yourself, but sometime, you just contrain yourself
G says:
you have that potential to be a free thinker
G says:
take one example
M says:
G says:
G says:
selfish, but this is also the Taiwanese culture
M says:
free thinker 有沒有貼切的中文說法?
G says:
no, maybe use Lau-Tze
G says:
he was a free thinker
M says:
M says:
G says:
don't worry, that is good
G says:
you have the "potential" not you are doing it,
G says:
when you are close, you take one step back
M says:
G says:
your group did have some good works, but I am not going to talk more details if we really want to publish this conversation
M says:
G says:
that's true
G says:
we like to say that we should keep our "pink dream" as we grow up
M says:
your group did have some good works,您指的是什麼?
G says:
the work you are doing!
M says:
G says:
pink, is soft, non-provoking, non-contrasting,
M says:
you are a pink man.可以這麼說嗎?
M says:
G says:
no, that sounds like gay
M says:
G says:
every color has each meaning,
G says:
For example: I wrote it in my "Morning Meadows"
G says:
G says:
you didn't meet me at  that time
M says:
G says:
G says:
english is more  nature for me
G says:
three colors in that marble meant something
M says:
G says:
 Red in Russian means battle. Green, in general means safe. White? I am still searching for an answer. One of the interesting explanation is rescue knight.
M says:
G says:
Thanks. For example, I like your comment:
G says:
I awake.
I feel my heart,
no part is left out.
With the twilight runway in sight,
my heart beats faster,
my heart surrenders.


G says:
but I don't think this will help you when you try to use 《金剛經》的「無住生心」(應無所住,而生其心)的絕妙境地吧
 to explain that.  that was extra
M says:
G says:
but, it is overly stated
G says:
it is too early try to get that level, don't you think
G says:
there are so many tests ahead of us,
G says:
don't try to think about the outcome before it gets to you
M says:
but we have to always keep it on our minds
G says:
for "成佛"?  no, I will not put that in my mind
G says:
it is too much burden to put on
G says:
how many people can really 成佛 in this life?
M says:
G says:
your father is your father, you are you
M says:
G says:
Try not to force it
G says:
And remember to take one step at a time
G says:
when you edit the article, try to reduce your provoking and opinionated style
G says:
you have a lot of those in your work
G says:
otherwise, your article will send even better message to others
M says:
G says:
M says:
G says:
G says:
I think I know your name
G says:
and been reading ever since your reply to my journalist article
M says:

G says:
in the news, you can still try to utilize your limited freedom
G says:
Always treat your job as your last one,
remember another thing I wrote down
G says:
That one was in chinese, no excuse, right?
G says:
G says:
your efficiency sometime might hurt you
M says:
G says:
I was testing you in that NFL article, you know, I guessed you were working in the media
G says:
read too many is hurting us sometime
M says:
your efficiency sometime might hurt you
G says:
think about it
M says:
您怎麼可以在udn寫文章就為了testing me?!!
G says:
we need to find time for the things and thoughts to deposit themselves
G says:
no, testing you after your response
M says:
G says:
my words are still too complicated
G says:
do you read my front page?
G says:
those are really 「座右銘」
M says:
G says:
No, by the way. I am lucky because so many people are willing to teach me
G says:
I meant my 首頁  
M says:
M says:
M says:
G says:
that was why I said if you want   座右銘 take these
G says:
Thought after thought arises in mind,
thought after thought is not separated from mind.



G says:
thank you, I just speak my heart
M says:
G says:
G says:
because our minds are blinded by all the not-that-perfect education system
M says:
G says:
when so many people attacked the current education system, they forgot how horrible the education we received was!
G says:
that is blind
M says:
G says:
Me? First, break all the rules,
G says:
for example, tonight I slept from 10pm-2am, now I can do a lot of thing
G says:
then I might take a bath, and take a nap in my bathtub around 7:00am, than I am refreshed
G says:
don't get fooled by all those you need so-much rest kind of non-sense
G says:
to say it "用心" is most important
G says:
all those rules are for those who can't find themselves
G says:
I always live in the exceptional world
M says:
G says:
Maybe. Since I was kid
G says:
I just could not  really take all the advices from others,
M says:
G says:
Thanks. At that time, only few people were able to convince me
M says:
G says:
Thanks, I don't know whether it is true or not.  I know that I practiced so hard because I did not want to stay in the classroom.  It was that simple
G says:
I can not do anything I feel bored on.
G says:
That might explain a little bit thing, right
M says:
G says:
stop comparing me with 釋迦牟尼佛
G says:
that's too much compliment I won't take
M says:
G says:
sorry, that is why I am writing, to force myself to slow down
G says:
my brother said that I always to pressure on others, and I am learning not to do that any more
G says:
maybe I should find publisher to publish my blog, huh?
M says:
that important two hours,讓人印象深刻,閱讀時彷彿就在您家客廳看著您一篇流汗運動一篇閱讀
M says:
G says:
Thanks. I was impressed by myself, some time.  Actually only during the warm-down period
G says:
it was basically walking
M says:
G says:
The way I did it, I took a quick glance, and memorize them, and digest without reading it
G says:
paragraph by paragraph
M says:
M says:
G says:
that's true, you are lucky you don't know me in real life
G says:
I wrote that when I was on a conference call, but felt so bored
G says:
it took me about 1 hour
M says:
G says:
I really don't like to waste my time, that's it.
G says:
oh, don't say that, we learn from each others.
G says:
G says:
don't put that kind of pressure on me
M says:
G says:
DPM was typo, my pinky hit return not-on-purposely.
M says:
got it
G says:
bad pinky! bad pinky!
G says:
G says:
I type when I think, that was what happen
G says:
I need to check, it is 2:50am and my wife is not home yet
M says:
G says:
M says:
G says:
how about you, cooking time?
G says:
so, your husband is back?
M says:
G says:
you need to cook?
M says:
G says:
放假 about cooking???
M says:
G says:
lucky, weekend is usually our cooking days
G says:
hey forgot to thank you for the "百年月色"

M says:
G says:
I was trying to remind someone how pretty the night cloud could be
M says:
G says:
so, I was watching the sky for four straight day,
G says:
oh, just random people on the blog
M says:
G says:
someone left her a message saying she wrote it wrong, right
G says:
I know it was 琇子, her works are good, too
M says:
G says:
hey, nothing real, unreal
G says:
don't get into that part of non-sense philosophical trap
M says:
G says:
that's exactly my attitude
G says:
now, you can understand better on my midnight flight
M says:
G says:
that's true
G says:
I tried, but it is just too hard
G says:
這詩 集了十幾年的感觸 一直想寫

東西文化 美歐較勁 衝擊很大


一股勁兒 寫了 一巴拉的 見笑了!
M says:
G says:
I just left this on that article couple hours ago
G says:
Echos from the last theme
is still so fresh and vivid.
It is because of those lies are told just like truth,
as we try to orchestrate the reality.

G says:
This was what I wanted to tell majority of people
G says:
123酷媽 is very smart
M says:
G says:
that's true, I miss Taiwan about that part
G says:
however, I enjoy cooking whenever I can
G says:
it is an art, not financial or any other reason.
G says:
you know that story, right?
M says:
G says:
G says:
good night

Side note: 4:50am now, crazy mommy and her friends are still not home.  The daddys now are regreating that we have told them about all those hidden great places, pub, lounge in our neighhborhood. Hope they didn't drink too much, and cause trouble.  Kids are all sound asleep now.

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How about you?
2006/03/11 19:48
夜貓子阿姨 ?

Moody says
2006/03/11 19:42
Goodnight (or Good Morning?) to both of you.

It takes courage
2006/03/11 19:41
Yes, we should not be confined by rules. Go break them n be creative.