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King Instrument Models
2008/08/05 21:13:16瀏覽497|回應0|推薦0

King Instrument Models

Please note that there are a few stencils with the "King" name on them that were not made by the HN White Company:

  • Pre-1916 Kings are Kohlert or Evette & Schaeffer stencils.
  • The King Tempo is a Keilwerth stencil.
  • The King Lemaire is a Kohlert or Amati stencil (probably Kohlert). The name is from King's association with SML: Strasser-Marigaux-Lemaire.
  • The King Marigaux is an SML stencil
  • "The New King" and "Toneking" are model names for a Keilwerth series of horns
  • "Recording King" was a model name for a series of stencil horns, mainly made by Martin
"King"# 50000(1916)# 110000(1929)
Voll-True# 110000(1929)# 180000(1935)
Zephyr# 180000(1935)# 511000(1975)
Super 20# 272000(1945)# 800000(1998)
Super 21# 731000(1995)# 736000(1996)

King History

The HN White Company was formed in 1893 as a music publishing house and instrument repair company. Mr. [Henderson] N. White collaborated with the well-known trombonist, Thomas King, at first improving the design and production of trombones, and ultimately White manufactured his own line, the KING line of trombones. The success of this initial venture into instrument manufacturing extended to the other brass instruments, all with the KING trademark which served as a symbol of avowed superiority and leadership.

Settling into new headquarters in 1909 at Superior Avenue & 52nd Street [in Cleveland, Ohio], the HN White Company began producing a respected line of brass instruments.

At first the company did not manufacture its own saxophones, but sold imported brands. As early as 1908, the company began importing the Evette & Schaeffer (Buffet) saxophones to serve as less expensive competitors to American-made Conns and Bueschers. After Carl Fischer of New York obtained the [sole] importing rights to the Evette & Schaeffer (Buffet) instruments in 1910, HN White began importing V. Kohlert saxophones [-- a practice that would be revived in the 1960's with the King Lemaire student horn]. They offered five models: straight and curved ("... an improved model with the bell bent up!") Bb soprano, Eb alto, Bb tenor and Eb baritone.

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