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各品牌薩克斯風介紹區Conn Instrument Models
2008/08/05 20:35:29瀏覽1118|回應0|推薦0

Conn Instrument Models

Worcester# 1(1888)# 3200(1898)
Wonder Improvedunknown(1895)# 41000(1917)
New Invention# 16000(1910)# 23000(1912)
New Wonder Series I# 41000(1914)# 143000(1924)
New Wonder Artist Special# 41000(1917)# 237000(1930)
New Wonder Series II# 143000(1924)# 237000(1930)
New Wonder Virtuoso Deluxe# 143000(1924)# 237000(1930)
22M & 24M# 209000(1928)# 237000(1930)
New Wonder Transitional# 237000(1930)# 263000(1935)
Artist ("Naked Lady")# 263000(1935)unknown(1971)
Connqueror 26M & 30M# 263000(1935)# 309000(1943)
Connstellation 28M# 330000(1948)# 345000(1952)
Director 14M & 16M# 50000(1955)unknown(1974)
DJH Modified# 128692(1980)# 221243(1985)

Conn History

No manufacturer information for Conn was found in the database.

Do you have some information that we don't? Want to help out? Please send any info to SaxPics@SaxPics.com.

If you believe this to be an error, please contact corrections@SaxPics.com. Thank you.

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