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George Michael denies split from Kenny Goss as he sets the record straight live
2011/03/08 23:58:44瀏覽1523|回應1|推薦5



沒想到在一篇名為"George Michael phones up during Automatic/Manual cars discussion (7.3.11) - TWStuff "的影片中...

突然間...聽到主持人問GM是否在Twitter告知已經和Kenny Goss分手了?(以電話的方式進行訪問)

GM回答說"True"(3/9 update:依據ITN News是"totally untrue"才對,有興趣的人請自行到ITN News瀏覽囉)








3/9 update:剛剛收mail看到GM粉絲Francis Ou通知我說Mail Online是寫否認分手ㄋㄟ(昨天沒注意到咩),但是我後來找到The Sun的新聞是寫分手,所以我真的不知道是否分手了啦。英文聽力比較好的人請自己注意聽偶像在The Wright Stuff接受專訪裡的說明好了


以下為偶像在The Wright Stuff(為英國的談話性節目,可以call in)節目中,以電話接受專訪的實況。

資料來源:YouTube - George Michael phones up during Automatic-Manual cars discussion (7.3.11) - TWStuff


資料來源: The Sun

George solo as Kenny wakes up and go-goes

By GORDON SMART, Showbiz Editor

Published: 07 Mar 2011

GEORGE MICHAEL's partner KENNY GOSS has walked out on him after 15 years, The Sun can reveal.

Pals said Texan businessman Kenny had finally had enough of the wayward pop star's lifestyle.

Worried friends of the former Wham! singer – whose hits include Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go – had been warning him he risked losing Kenny.

But problems with cannabis, such as last year's drug-driving conviction, forced them apart.

A source close to the couple said: "The writing has been on the wall for some time. There are only so many second chances Kenny was prepared to give.

"He's been loyal to George from day one, but that hasn't always been reciprocated."

They added: "Kenny runs an incredibly successful gallery. With Kenny in the US, they spend so much time apart – and that's got worse over the last couple of years.

"It's really sad, but hopefully this could be the wake-up call George needs."

Kenny, 51, was in court in September when George was sentenced to eight weeks for crashing into a branch of Snappy Snaps near his North London home.

It was his second drug-driving conviction. In 2007 he was found slumped at the wheel of the same vehicle, and was ordered to do community service.

George, 47, left jail in October vowing to mend his ways. He admitted to CHRIS EVANS on Radio 2 that he had become "a poster boy for cannabis".

He said: "I felt like I had a bill to pay. I went to prison, I paid my bill."

His new single, a cover of NEW ORDER's True Faith, is released next week for Comic Relief.


資料來源: Mail Online

George Michael denies split from Kenny Goss as he sets the record straight live on TV and Twitter

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 8:00 PM on 7th March 2011

George Michael has angrily denied claims that he has split from partner Kenny Goss after 15 years together.
It was reported this morning that the couple had parted because of the singer's issues with drugs.

But the singer hit back at the reports and said the paper that made the claim was 'lying through its teeth'.

Still together: George Michael has denied reports that he and Kenny Goss have split after 15 years(photo)

A source claimed in The Sun today that Michael's dope-smoking and his drug-driving conviction last year were the reasons for the split.

They said: 'There are only so many second chances Kenny was prepared to give. He's been loyal to George from day one, but that hasn't always been reciprocated. It's really sad, but hopefully this could be the wake-up call George needs.'

But Michael denied the pair had gone their separate ways and took to his Twitter page to set the record straight.

The story was being discussed on Channel 5 chat show The Wright Stuff this morning, which prompted Michael to write: 'Would someone Tweet 5wrightstuff and tell them the Sun is lying through its teeth as usual.'

He also rang the show personally to deny the story and let his fans know that he and Kenny were still very much an item and suggestions they had split were 'untrue'.

He said: 'It is complete bull**** about myself and Kenny breaking up. Don't believe this story.

All is well: George Michael, pictured outside the BBC Radio Two studios last week, said the newspaper was 'lying through its teeth'(photo)

'We've had our problems but he's never had a problem with my lifestyle. I love Kenny very much.'

And his fans came out in full support of the singer as they tweeted back saying they were on his side and were relieved to hear they hadn't split.

Last week, Michael opened up about his drug abuse and his conviction in an interview being broadcast this week on BBC Radio 2's Chris Evans Breakfast Show.

He said: 'By the time I went to court, I knew this wasn't going to happen again. I knew I was going to lose my licence.

'I was assured I wasn't going to prison but I thought I was, and like I said, it was much easier to take because I felt it was deserved.

'This was a hugely shameful thing to have done repeatedly, so karmically I felt like I had a bill to pay. I went to prison, I paid my bill.'

Asked for his reaction to being sentenced after admitting driving while unfit through drugs and possessing two cannabis cigarettes, he said: 'Remarkably enough, I know people must think it was a really horrific experience - it's so much easier to take any form of punishment if you believe you actually deserve it, and I did.'

Candid: George was totally honest about his time in prison for his interview with Chris Evans, which is being broadcast on his Radio 2 breakfast show this week(photo)

Wham! The Snappy Snaps store in Hampstead, north London, which George Michael crashed into in his Range Rover in July (photo)

He said he was sent to prison for two reasons - because it was his second conviction for the same offence, despite the fact no cannabis was involved on the first occasion, and also because: 'I'm George Michael and the poster boy for cannabis.'

The singer, whose real name is Georgios Panayiotou, was initially taken to Pentonville Prison in north London, where former inmates include Oscar Wilde and Boy George - who was one of many fellow celebrities to write to him in prison.

Michael revealed he has not spoken to Sir Elton John 'for a long time', but said: 'He wrote to me in the nick which was nice, and so did Boy George write me a lovely letter.

He added: 'And I got a letter from Paul McCartney which was lovely.'

Describing his first night in the prison, he said: 'Well, it was Pentonville. It wasn't a weekend break, put it that way.

'What did I think? Well, I didn't feel sorry for myself. I thought, 'Oh my God, this place is absolutely filthy, because it was Pentonville.

'I just thought, you get your head down.'

He dismissed reports he had been distressed during his time at Pentonville, adding: '"Those stories of me crying are rubbish. They wish that was me, but that's not me.'

Michael was later downgraded from a category C prisoner to category D and transferred to Highpoint Prison, an open prison in Suffolk.

His last night in prison was 'great', with 'every single staff member' and prisoner getting his autograph - some of them on headed prison paper.

He described signing a guitar for one man, saying: 'So this guy comes in with a guitar and he said he wanted me to write the date.

'So I asked the date, and he said it's the 10th of the 10th of the 10th. And I just thought "that's so fitting".

'It's kind of like the clock rolling round to the end of something, tomorrow I start again.'

Michael has recorded a cover of True Faith by New Order for this year's Comic Relief appeal, which will be released on March 13. It is his first single since serving the prison sentence.

The first part of Chris Evans's interview was broadcast on his breakfast show at 8am today, with the second part due at the same time tomorrow.


資料來源:星島日報_加拿大多倫多中文新聞網。 Canada Toronto Chinese newspaper



  據英國《太陽報》昨日爆料報道,同志歌手佐治米高(George Michael)已跟拍拖15年的斷背男友Kenny Goss分手。知情者透露佐治近年多番牽涉醉酒駕駛、吸食大麻等官司案件,終令Kenny對他死心:「其實Kenny由始至終皆對佐治十分專一;惟近年他們的感情開始出現問題,Kenny已試過多次給予佐治機會改過。」加上Kenny在美國經營藝廊生意,2人聚少離多下也是分手原因之一。而回復單身的佐治,下星期將會推出全新細碟《True Faith》作正式復出;歌曲乃翻玩New Order的同名經典舞曲。

sara備註:我到The Sun的website根本沒看到這則新聞(我怕我漏看了,還在The Sun用它的搜尋功能尋找也沒看到),星島日報的記者會不會太混了啦3/9update:後來我有找到,是在The Sun沒錯





近年半退休的英國流行歌手佐治米高,最近將其處男大碟《Faith》重新包裝推出限量特別版,加插佐治的訪問、MV及圖片集,該碟在八七年發行時一碟風行,當中包括了《Father Figure》和《I Want Your Sex》等六首美國冠軍歌,除成為《Billboard》大碟榜十二星期冠軍及在二百大逗留達八十七周外,更歷史性創下全球二千萬張雙鑽石銷量及奪格林美年度最佳大碟,威盡全球,並鞏固其天王地位。

早前佐治在悉尼開騷後愛上了當地,上周六便在悉尼與當地歌手兼視星Hugh Sheridan結伴夜蒲多間夜店玩通宵,相片更被放上facebook。有指已在當地置業的佐治,打算無限期在澳洲定居。

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2011/03/09 15:53


最愛喬治麥可的sara(sarashih) 於 2011-03-09 16:48 回覆:


