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2010/07/28 01:17:32瀏覽1211|回應1|推薦8 | |
曾經有人這麼問我 為什麼會走演藝圈? 從剛開始到現在 其實我覺得這些都是緣分 也許有人會說我只是好運 也許..... 從以前到現在的我 不敢奢求太多的渴望 只希望身邊的人都能夠快樂 沒有是可以用金錢來衡量的 也沒有什麼事是解決不了的 如果再有人問我:為什麼會走演藝圈? 我的答案是:我感謝上天給我了這個考驗 讓我的人生不一樣,也從中學習從中成長 這條路對我來說是很不一樣的的 也為我的人生寫下一段精采深刻的故事。 Someone had ask me, why were I be in this environment? Since before till now, I think this all about destiny. maybe someone would say, I just have some luck. maybe.... I always would not pretended too much eager of favor but the only thing that I care is hoping everyone who surround me could be happy nothing could balance with money, and nothing can not be solved. If someone ask me again, why? my answer is, I thank God give me this challange makes my life different, and to learn and grow up with. This journey is valuable and I'll have a great impressive story imprinted in my life. |
( 休閒生活|影視戲劇 ) |