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2015 紐西蘭打工度假簽證 6 月 5 日紐西蘭當地時間早上10am 起跑!!!
2015/05/22 10:52:41瀏覽528|回應0|推薦4

2015 紐西蘭打工度假簽證 6 月 5 日紐西蘭當地時間早上10am 起跑 !!!



Each year, 600 places are available under this scheme allowing young people from Taiwan to stay in New Zealand for up to 12 months.

2015/16 quota

The quota will open on 05 June 2015 at 10:00 AM New Zealand time.


As with many of our working holiday schemes, the interest from potential applicants is expected to be much greater than the number of places available. This can result to the quota being filled within a very short time from its opening, and may mean that a lot of interested individuals will miss out.


請參閱:  http://www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/work/workingholiday/taiwanworkingholidayscheme.htm

( 知識學習語言 )
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